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Posts Tagged with "pillow fight"
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Break The Tension

After a week of campus imploding in nearly every way possible (still waiting on a legitimate protest of anything, though) in the midst of finals, Bwog thinks we all need a moment to give into that tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach, lean your head back, and just scream.  That’s right, tonight is […]

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In case you missed the opportunity to achieve immortal kleos at last night’s pillowfight, Bwog invites you to relive the madness with this gratuitous gallery of gory photographs: Two combatants reflect on their conquests: Girl 1: ”OUR PILLOWS ARE STAINED WITH THE BLOOD OF THOSE WHO CHALLENGED US” Girl 2: ”But like, actually though….I’m not sleeping on […]

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If you’ve been cooped up in Butler for the past week like we have, you’ve probably forgotten how to use your voice/form words/engage with others. That’s okay. For your sake, and for that of the 2015ers, we’ll repost our comprehensive guide to Columbia’s loudest and most transient school tradition.   Finals got you down? Then […]

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Primal Scream Redux

Gallant procrastinators, clashing in epic, fluffy battle, stormed across the Butler median last night. The annual Sundial v. Butler bash had a more dubious commencement than usual because of the unclear Facebook event start time. A handful of freshmen began fighting around 11:30, but then quickly left––their school spirit forever tarnished… Thus, one can conclude, […]

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In perhaps the most confusing 30 minutes of campus tradition in history, both the pillow fight and Primal Scream overlapped. Though purists waited until 11:59 pm to start, zealous first years joined the fray as early as 11:30 pm. Even a few of the dedicated bodies in the reference room rose from their seats to […]

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At midnight 11:30pm MIDNIGHT (there’s still time—get your asses out there!), rouse yourself from whatever it is that you don’t want to be doing, and vent your emotion, exhaustion, and aggravation on others by smacking them with pillows and screaming your lungs off. Remember the last pillow fight? That was epic. Facebook says 864 people […]

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Bwog wants to know— was it worth it? You had a perfectly good pillow, but you went and ruined it in New York’s annual Pillow Fight last saturday. (Digital Journal) And to the Scientific Community as a whole, you had all those cows, and you went and made them produce human breast milk. What’s next? Brown cows […]

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The 5th Annual Primal Scream/Pillow Fight will commence at 11:55 tonight. This year, there will be a twist. Two Facebook groups were started to advertise the Pillow Fight, one encouraging its army to meet in front of Butler, the other to meet at the Sundial. Instead of merging, the creators (Lisa Mack and Sue Yang, […]

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Pillow Fight!

Word on the street is that there will be a massive pillow fight midnight at the Sundial, BYOP. Bwog thinks it might be a good way to wind down after a stressful weekend of procrastination. UPDATE 12:39 am     Students crept out of nooks in Butler for a few minutes of late-night frenzied glee […]

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