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Posts Tagged with "freshpeople housing review"

For incoming freshmen who want homey suite style living where you can make close relationships with the people you live with, Hartley is the place for you!

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For sophomores wanting to stay on southfield and in a single, Furnald is the one for you. For incoming freshmen who want AC, probably a single, a kitchen, and dark academia vibes, Furnald awaits.

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Wallach, the most wholesome and laid-back of freshman dorms, is perfect for independent freshpeople who want to cook for themselves, listen to fab piano music in the lounge, and have a homey home to come back to after a night ~on the town.~

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Named after one of our favorite founding fathers, John Jay is next on our freshpeople housing lineup. While this building is known for its dining halls (John Jay & its greasy younger brother, JJ’s place), there are other qualities that make it a desirable residence hall. Location: 511 W. 114th Street, New York, NY 10027 […]

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In the fourth installment of our Freshpeople Housing Reviews, we move to the meat of the Hartley-John Jay sandwich: Wallach Hall. If renovated rooms and single-use bathrooms are your cup of tea, read on! Location: 1116 Amsterdam Avenue Nearby dorms: Hartley and John Jay are connected by tunnel; Carman and Furnald are just a hop, […]

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This is it, pre-frosh, the last housing review, just in time for your May 1st decision! Learn about Hartley and Wallach, the two dorms which together comprise the Living Learning Center (LLC). Combined with Carman, John Jay, and Furnald, it completes your housing options! Ask questions in the comments! Freak out more! Hartley and Wallach […]

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Pre-frosh! Upon reading this review you will be appraised of 3/4 of your housing options! You’ve already learned your Carman from your John Jay. That’s like first-year housing ABCs! You’ll be ready for May 1st in no time. Now, behold Furnald. It’s a pretty cool, and different, place. Tomorrow we’ll give you a taste of […]

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Continuing our assistance for pre-frosh picking housing preferences, here is the second installment of Freshpeople Housing Review, in which we examine that most august residence hall, John Jay. John Jay is the other 100% first-year dorm. Rather than the double-double purity of Carman, the vast majority of JJ rooms are singles. There are a few […]

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Hey, 2015, we know you exist! And we know that you know that your housing deadline is May 1. You’re freaking out, wondering if you want a roommate, wondering if a single will cut you off from friends, wondering if the LLC is even a thing. Enter Bwog’s Freshpeople Housing Review. Here we’ll walk you […]

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