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Posts Tagged with "ch-ch-ch-changes"

An astute tipster informed Bwog today that he noticed odd hours at staple campus eateries Ferris Booth and JJs Place.  After a quick phone call to Dining Services, Bwog was able to dig up last year’s hours for comparison.  Indeed, much has changed and no longer is it possible to make 3am romps to JJs […]

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Rumors saying as much have been swirling around this very blog (as well as Spec) for a month or so, but Bwog just spoke with a clerk at Kim’s who confirmed the terrible news: When Kim’s closes, a Ricky’s Cosmetics will open in its place. You might be familiar with the products of Ricky’s if […]

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In the comments section of this very site (and others) many of you speculated that a Doctors Without Borders event originally scheduled to be in Roone on 9/11 was, in cruelly ironic fashion, canceled to make way for the Obamacain Service Spectacular of 2008. A tipster on the Doctors Without Borders listserv just forwarded Bwog […]

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Young Will Leonard’s report on the 12s’ Met excursion contained a Shocking Revelation, namely that John Jay Dining Hall would no longer be using trays. We called Dining just a few minutes ago, and the helpful woman on the phone confirmed that yes, there are no more trays. Apparently, this is because of “environmental concerns” […]

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Bwog’s received a copy of the list of courses that will count toward the Global Core requirement. The class list still isn’t on the Core website, but thanks to one anxious senior/Bwog staffer, we’re able to reproduce it after the jump for you. Remember: the 12s must complete two courses from this list, while for […]

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After several application deadline postponements, our dead-tree friends at the Spec have finally chosen their new set of opinion columnists. Some old Bwog favorites have returned, some fresh faces have been added, and it’s not known who gets the Friday death slots. Anthony Kelley, CC ’09, who wrote what IvyGate called “The Batshittiest Spectator Column […]

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Let’s give a hearty welcome to Wondee Siam, the latest addition to Morningside’s new roster of promising-sounding restaurants. The restaurant will be opening on Amsteram and 107th — a bold move, as that’s right across the street from Thai Market — and will be the Wondee Siam chain’s fourth location. According to Eating in Translation, […]

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Oh boy, the “New Facebook” that you’ve been hearing nothing about is here. What’s different about New Facebook? Well, for one thing, it’s certainly wider! And your wall posts are outlined in gray. But apparently there are other differences, and the madman behind this creation has explained them all in his Facebook blog: The Publisher […]

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All Columbia staff received an email yesterday alerting them to changes in the online directory; evidently, changes are not limited to the new antifreeze-blue “search” button. The email, sent out by Lisa Hogarty, Executive Vice President of Student and Administrative Services, indicates that the online directory will now have “an improved search engine,” “a comprehensive […]

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Just in case you haven’t been around to ogle at the cocoon that currently cradles our Beloved Butler library, here are a few snapshots. According to the library’s, always helpful website the building should emerge from its tough outer casing by Fall 2007.

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If they haven’t already, Generation ’10 will soon recieve a slick new copy of the Iliad, courtesy of some alumni class from the last fifty years. Unless they decide to buck tradition, its cover will feature a lovely classical painting now hanging in L’Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Slate, however, has proposed the alternative […]

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New Fu on the Block

Watch out, Zvi G.—Harvard’s now got a SEAS of its own, having made its own Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences into a full-fledged School. Rumblings of the transition started a year ago, when DEAS Dean “Venky” resigned pending some big changes. SEAS—with an admit rate three times that of the Harvard school—just beats out […]

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a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
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this is such a great article! (read more)
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beautiful anthropologie like $30 bowl they dont make anymore...... the thief is evil (read more)
The River Hall Bowl Thief: A Hate Letter
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