It’s hard to deny that New York is an expensive place – it seems as though, in order to do anything fun in the city, one must have unlimited time and money. Bwog strongly disagrees, and Staff Writer Jack Treanor is here to help with a fun, easy-to-follow itinerary that will save you money. 10:30 […]
People taking cars that don’t belong to them. (NY Daily News) People taking children that don’t belong to them. (Yahoo! News) Strange people doing strange things. (Gothamist) “Jobs and industries of tomorrow taking root beyond our borders.” (NYT) Colors you’ve never heard of before. (Jezebel) Reality stars who just won’t go away. (Entertainment Weekly) Columbia […]
Matt Kalish, SEAS ’12, sends in this photo of a shuttered Pinnacle Deli: The phones happily rang when we tried to call Pinnacle but no one answered. The Department of Health is closed on Sunday and the most recent inspection is not online yet, so use your imagination! Because, as you know, Pinnacle was always […]
You’ve been camping in Butler and watching YouTube videos for three days studying hard! You deserve a break! Friday Gerhard Richter – considered one of the saviors of contemporary painting, this German artist’s paintings are on show until January 8th. 10am – 6pm, Marian Goodman Gallery, 24 W57th St FREE Blip Festival – celebrating chip […]
Mama Mexico appears to have had some trouble with the authorities, as Lecture Hop Editor Emeritus Sara Jane Panfil notes that its 102nd Street location has been seized by “The Man” for non-payment of taxes. The website does seem to indicate the other two locations are still going strong.
The abandoned stone structure on 119th and Amsterdam sort of looks like a medieval castle – a very, very small one. It isn’t quite the stuff of architecture classes, but the little building stands out – you’ve probably wondered what it is or was as you passed the forgotten, weedy lot. It’s not like there’s […]
Mark Hay may not be a native New Yorker, but he’s taking steps in the right direction. Bloomberg wins New York. Sometimes it is hard to understand the city we live in. But certainly the last week, the introspection brought about by Bloomberg’s hegemony and victory, has given me the time to realize that, torn […]
Your Election Day weekend will probably be stuck in Halloween mode until tonight, but how to fill the next three days? Bwog Weekend Warrior Sarah Camiscoli has five ways you can make a day (or three) of your travels. Also, a subway service advisory: through Monday, the downtown 1 is skipping 137th – 103rd Street […]
Mike Bloomberg has broken his own campaign spending record, already blowing through $85.2 million with 11 days still to go. (AP) When you’re Hugh Hefner, you’re “old enough to be the great-grandfather of some of his girlfriends.” Oh, and old enough to receive front-webpage articles that describe your cultural contributions as “almost quaint.” (NYT) The […]
Comptroller William Thompson learns it may be even more difficult to defeat Mayor Mike Bloomberg. (Times) You might find the subway moving more slowly today. (NY1) Mob killer: No one told me prison life would be hard! (Daily News) Packed schedule keeping you from watching TV? Try the Internet! It’s eight minutes shorter! (Spectator) Second […]
The weather’s getting a little colder, but music and knits will keep you warm. Perhaps some hot apple cider from the Union Square Green Market (Friday and Saturday 8 – 6) would also do nicely. Friday Celebrate Thelonius Monk’s 92nd birthday featuring star pianists Randy Weston, Armen Donelian, Geri Allen, and many others. 5 – […]
Monopoly players looking for a more serious game have been meeting three times a week at Cosi, on Broadway at 78th Street, for three years running. Claire Sabel, Bwog’s intrepid Advanced Board Games Correspondent, and a friend RSVP’d to their online invitation and joined the ongoing tournament earlier this week. We arrived at seven, and […]
Guide to the Weekend returns, in the one post where you’ll ever find both burlesque and food trucks together. Friday – Sunday New York Film Festival Alice Tully Hall 1941 Broadway $7 for students “In the past, the festival has showcased the likes of Jean-Luc Godard, Pedro Almodóvar and Martin Scorsese. Adventurous cineastes will especially […]
Good morning, and welcome back, readers! We start the year with a revamped and expanded morning news roundup, but we need your help naming it. Suggest your best title ideas in the comments, and please don’t force us to choose “Bweakfast with Bwog.” Image via Even the most rent-stabilized Manhattanites can’t stand against […]
Just because activities have calmed down here on campus in observance of approaching finals, it doesn’t mean that New York City isn’t still popping! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday The Con Film Festival Film Forum, 209 W Houston St (212.727.8110) This series of cinematic odes to the bad guy will feature classic takes on criminals and […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025