If anyone catches a picture of the Avery bedbugs, email us at tips@bwog.com.
Happy finals everyone. Here’s the worst things spotted on campus these past few weeks.
We may not be on campus, but the end of the semester is as cursed as ever.
Reading week and exam week allow Columbia students to sample The Purge: what would happen if there were no laws, and we were truly without inhibition? Well, here are a few options.
It is the worst of times, and the most liminal of times. Reading week snuck up on us with a slap and here we are during finals: broken, disheartened, and yearning for summer (why is it still 40 degrees in May, anyway?).
Bwog continues its fieldwork on overworked and excessively stressed college students, pulling three all-nighters in a row in solidarity. We may be delirious, but surely we can’t be hallucinating all of this. Here’s what this year’s finals have brought us. Strange Encounters of the MoHi Kind “Man crossing 113th alone with both arms raised in the […]
It’s that time of the year again… The weather has been almost as miserable as our moods as we perish in Butler trying to finish our take-home exams by Wednesday. To cheer you up a bit, we bring you some of the darkest things we’ve seen or heard this past finals period to remind you […]
We are all DEFINITELY ready for a break–take yours at 4 am in Butler with these trap essentials. We apologize for the emotional whiplash that may come along with listening to Future while you try to study for your Econ midterm… Low Life by Future feat. The Weeknd Uber Everywhere by Madeintoyo Sorry Not Sorry by Bryson […]
As we pointed out earlier, dear readers, we are currently at the peak of midterm season. And that can only mean one thing: Columbia students are doing some weird shit. (Or, we’re putting out weird vibes, and the objects on our campus are just picking them up.) To tell the truth, Columbia, we’re a little […]
As finals season comes to a close, the fall term is wrapping up in typically horrifying fashion. For this semester’s final installment of Dark Night, Bwog is bringing you the good, the bad, and the ugly. But, as usual, mostly just the ugly. Notes from the field of darkness: “Sat next to a girl in East Asian this […]
Carman: land of petty elevator disputes, vomit-stained carpets, vandalized bulletin boards, and a deeply-entrenched loneliness matched only by the vast plains of middle America. Behold the beauty and the desolation of the most “social” first-year dorm, established before Carmanites have even taken their first final. And just remember: it honestly never gets any better.
It’s the thick of midterms. Fall break is merely days away, but it feels like we will never escape the bleak days of studying in Butler and crying into our Blue Java coffee cups. Alas, we will make it through even the darkest of nights somehow. To ease the pain, we bring you some of the […]
While finals continue to plague some students, things remain terrifying on campus as people slowly start to reach emotional death. Although we posted a Dark Night of the Soul post earlier this past weekend, we found a few more gems we just had to share with you. Enjoy. Notes from the field: – “Saw someone […]
…Late December, back in ’63. What a very special time for me! It’s that time of year again, folks. When things get dark, people get weird, and the world around us begins to devolve into turmoil. Tipsters sent in the photos below, reflecting the current state of Columbia’s soul. Prepare yourselves for the darkest of nights. […]
You’ve been there. You might be there right now. Here’s a compilation of the most horrifyingly dark tips we’ve gotten so far this final’s season. Please don’t hurt anyone: Dear girl who told me to be quiet when I was talking to my friend in my lounge, It’s super awesome how you passive aggressively asked […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025