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Posts Tagged with "day in the life"

She would probably have gotten a better character arc here, anyway.

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On the off chance Momma Bwog hasn’t already thoroughly killed the Class of 2018’s buzz, we hereby finish out our presentation of staffer’s schedules with incoming Features Editor Alexander Pines’ typical Wednesday. In case we’ve got you too down, be sure to check out our PeopleHops or Senior Wisdoms. 8:55 am: First alarm goes off, […]

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Alright Class of 2018-ers, it’s our penultimate day of staff schedules. Another sophomore gives you her Tuesday. 9:00 am: My roommate’s alarm wakes me up. I guess I should get up too. 9:09 am: Roommate’s alarm re-awakens me. Rip covers off. Greet the world with a loud “fuuuuck.” Head to the shower, but they’re both […]

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While our past staffer schedules have revolved around our rather unproductive weekends, Senior Staff Writer Julia Goodman brings the Class of 2018 her average Monday. 7:00 am: My alarm goes off. Ugh…five more minutes… 7:05 am: My alarm goes off again. 7:10 am: And again. 7:15 am: And again. Time for the most difficult decision […]

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For the next couple of days Bwog will be unrolling our daily schedules to give the ED admits to the Class of 2018 a slightly…different…view of the typical Columbian. Up today, another anonymous staffer details her usual Sunday. 1:02 pm: Roll out of bed and vow never to drink again. I chug an entire Nalgene of water […]

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Continuing our welcome of the Early Decision admits to the Class of 2018, Bwog presents Saturday Daily Editor Britt Fossum’s typical Saturday.  8:30 am: Woken up by Skype noises coming from an open computer. It was left open because I fell asleep fully dressed at 9 PM the night before waiting for a friend to […]

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Continuing our warm welcome of the newly EDmitted Class of 2018, Bwog is presenting a rundown of our typical day because we’re Real People that have Real Lives (at least, that’s what we tell ourselves after the fifth day straight in Butler). A sophomore staffer who wished to remain anonymous (Real People can be anonymous, […]

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Welcome Class of 2018! In a fit of procrastination nostalgia, Bwog found ourselves skimming through the “Meet Our Students” sections of the Admissions website and the guidebooks sent with your acceptance letter. Contrary to, perhaps, what you might have been told about the average Columbia student, we don’t all take seven classes, run four clubs, […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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