On college walk: Guy: You know what I like about this campus? Everything looks like it’s under an Instagram filter. Girl: Is that how hipsters say something is beautiful now? The days when we compared scenery to a painting or movie are over. Fake vintage photography is where it’s at now.
Technology ruined baseball. And Times Square. Or maybe that was Bloomberg and the throngs of tourists. Either way, Times Square is getting an overhaul to make it, if you can believe it, “minimalistic.” (NY Daily News) In one of the most poorly kept secrets of all time, it’s official: Jay-Z and a small consortium of […]
Columbia scientists take no vacations! Defying conventional medical technology, one Columbia engineer has decided to build his way out of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. The mChip, now passing its fourth year of testing, aims to deliver the diagnostic capabilities of a full-fledged lab to patients on a hundred-dollar chip. In case that’s not impressive, […]
Two Joe employees examine the existential questions surrounding seafood-dish viscosity, in front of the new vending machines: ”I’m just uncomfortable with calling ceviche a soup.” Image of a seafood dish that can’t be comfortably referred to as a soup via Wikimedia.
Just in case you needed another reason to hate hipsters.
That’s right, Urban Outfitters has officially landed in the Upper West Side–on Broadway near 100th street. It’s still above 96th. That means it’s close! This is sure to give the 110th-based American Apparel a run for its money in the formerly uncontested onesie/bodysuit market (Playboy Bunny costume sales from Ricky’s don’t count). But if you were […]
A lovely spring afternoon on the Steps. A man wearing a tie-dye shirt gives some advice to a friend: “It’s spring, so you need to get Tevas. These things are unstoppable!”
Break out the cheap wine and hors d’oeuvres: there’s an art installation on your Metrocard. (NY Times) Mayor Bloomberg makes a $125 million impulse buy. (NY Daily News) Hipsters are arrested in Williamsburg for their overzealous labeling (and drug possession). (The Brooklyn Paper) The Department of Transportation says it’s “Gridlock Alert” Day; thanks, but we already […]
Andrew Cuomo v. the President of 9/11 (NY Post). The University Senate gets meta (Spec). There’s something in the water at Harvard (Gawker). The Office of Multicultural Affairs: Where Everyone Knows Your Name (Spec). Rachel Ray saves the world with whole-wheat flatbread and free-range chicken (CityRoom). Hipsters worry that Williamsburg = Belfast circa 1970 (NY […]
Barnard girls just can’t decide who they want to be president — lets hope no one demands a recount (Spec). Rich people are getting old men arrested for trying to save cats (NY Post). Columbia students are allowed to go places no one else gets to go, but not on the South Lawn (Spec). Super […]
Graduating this month? The new Fed‘s got great advice to help you through your transition over the next few weeks. You won’t find the inside scoop on graduating from college anywhere else! Do not, by any means, let the stress of graduating affect your vigilance in the War on Hipsters. If we don’t stop them, […]
Since we know there’s only so much Hulu you can keep watching, Bwog’s enlisted comedy expert and television aficionado Rob Trump to guide us through the wonderful world of web series. First up: The Burg. The Burg’s most recent short, “Jump,” [Sorry, we would embed video, but it’s not working — Ed.] opens with a […]
Is Morningside Heights doomed to the depths of hipsterdom? All signs point to yes. Hipster overlord Todd P‘s Showpaper, a Brooklyn-based DIY zine focusing on upcoming independent concerts, is coming to Morningside, specifically Kim’s. (In other news, writing the phrase “Brooklyn-based DIY zine focusing on upcoming independent concerts” is something like a crime against humanity, […]
A motley band representing Philolexian Society cell CRUSHP (a one-syllable shortening of the Committee for Rectifying the Unphilolexian Sneaky Hipster Problem) has gathered on the Sundial and is hurling insults at passing hipsters. Hipsters, thus far, have not been too affected, because the catcalls are still quieter than the Norwegian middle school-themed songs blasting on […]
It’s the summer, The Heights is painfully empty, campus is strangely quiet, maybe it’s time to go beyond Columbia’s gates and head into… the outer boroughs. Bwog staffer Lucy Tang treks to Bushwick to get punched in the face, so one day, you can too! The last time I was in a mosh pit, I […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025