Our second series during Orientation is called “Bi-Partisan Dorm Reviews.” The series seeks to show both the pros and cons of living in whatever residence hall that you (hopefully) chose. For non-freshman housing, we did reviews of many upperclassmen buildings during the Housing Lottery, which you can see here. First up is John Jay. As […]
This morning, the rest of 2012 has arrived on campus to be greeted by happy NSOP leaders and their first Columbia challenge: move-in lines. Reports from campus indicate that the lines are manageable, though. Free food mavens, be aware: the family lunch is starting right about now, allowing you to test the efficacy of NSOP […]
Bwogger Sara Vogel points us in the direction of the Housing website, where there is a list of all summer dorm renovations. “We cannot guarantee projects or timing,” it warns. Anyway, we are excited! Three lucky apartments in Woodbridge (right) are getting an environmentally-conscious makeover, complete with Energy Star appliances and lighting and Forest Stewardship […]
In response to a goofy mix-up in which five thousand of your names and social security numbers were posted on the Internet for 16 months, one student wishing to remain anonymous has posted a statement of disapproval/demand for change on Petition Online. Students bothered by the incident (we hear there may be a few of […]
One recent grad forwarded Bwog the following email, which contains some bad news for the unluckiest 5,000 of you. Apparently, housing information that included names and social security numbers was accidentally posted online by a former student employee in February 2007. Housing & Dining is very sorry, and has even bought you and your probably-stolen […]
4:27 PM: No walk-through doubles in Nussbaum remain. Only 1 seven-person suite in Claremont left. Now Playing: “Gone,” N*SYNC (just like those walk-through Nussbaum doubles!) 4:20 PM: (see whiteboard above for up-to-date breakdown of what’s left) 4:04 PM: The day is winding down, and only 2 seven-person suites in Claremont remain. 3:59 PM: […]
Update 1:32 PM: As prospective first-years have long, overwrought conversations about the Core at Low Steps, a spectacle proceeds, ignorant to them, in John Jay Lounge, one that will shake the very bedrock of the school — Day Three of suite selection. Plus the board hasn’t been updated in, like, half an hour. Here’s what’s […]
Nostalgic for the suites you never even had a chance of getting anyway? Reminisce with the morning’s liveBwog. 1:42 PM: Housing has returned from lunch and suite selection has picked back up. The white board (as is far too often the case) remains the same, save for a penciled in noticed that there are 11 […]
The day of reckoning has arrived, and Bwog will be stationed on a beanbag chair in John Jay, livebwogging your fate. Check back to this post throughout the day today, with frequent updates of what suites are still in your grasp. 11:04 AM:
While individual lottery numbers have been available through the “housing portal” since this morning, the full list is now posted on the main housing website, by name and by number. Bwog is pleased to announce the winner, one Brian Oches, a rising senior, with 8. And, in last place, freshman Stephen Chao, with a brutal-looking […]
In case you haven’t already been frantically GChatted by friends, you should know your housing lottery number is now available. What isn’t available, despite the Housing site’s promises to the contrary, is everybody else’s. Begin frantically scrambling to figure out how many people will pick EC suites before you… now! Update: “Daniel”, on the housing […]
Everyone’s favorite artificial deus ex machina of friendships, the Housing Lottery, is almost upon us! Usually an occasion for last minute research, Bwog will be running a series of posts on all Columbia dorms, including a feature on why it’s smarter to live with Barnard girls, and a point-counterpoint on living off-campus. This way, when […]
Registration for the Columbia housing lottery doesn’t begin until March 11 (or March 3, if you’re an LLC weirdo), but to warm up for the event Housing Services will be giving room information sessions and building tours today and tomorrow that will start in the John Jay Lounge. They will be leaving on the half […]
“The Internet has created new forms of storytelling. In some cases, the threat may prove fatal.” What, pray tell, does he speak of? Toy Story: the defining allegory of our generation. We won and we lost! Hooray for a balanced perspective! “Vocalist Shirley Simms remained largely silent.” Good show! Columbia’s housing selection process is SUITE. […]
In other Special Interest Housing news: Art House is no longer. The decision to disband came after Special Interest Community administrators wanted Art House to maintain its current location in Wallach for next year. Alas, Art House members were seeking better digs. Philosophized one soon-to-be-ex-A.H. denizen: “It’s a shame that Columbia is losing this because […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025