On Thursday, October 20, Atlantic Staff Writer Caitlin Dickerson spoke at Pulitzer Hall in conversation with Daniel Alarcón. Her cover story, An American Catastrophe, investigates family separation during the Trump administration.
Bwog’s finest snaccs, Mia and Donna, take on the ultimate snack (more like a whole meal)–the three-dishes-one-rice combo offered by three Chinese food carts on Broadway.
Staff Writer Alyse Rovner is passionate about investigative journalism, and more specifically Columbia’s placement of Joe Coffee Company establishments.
We love NYU, and we think they’re great, but sometimes our NYU friends like to remind us that we live in an area of town where you can find half of the school’s population in exactly 2 bars on a Saturday night, while they’re downtown roaming around Greenwich Village. (At least my NYU friends do. […]
We all know the real reason that Lerner has increased the price of key replacements to a whopping $50, but here’s the official statement from Jose Rosa, Director of Operations of the Transportation Office: Prior to this increase, the key replacement fee had not changed for more than 10 years, during which time the actual cost to […]
Bwog received a startling tip yesterday: “Something GIANT just flew out of the tree outside my window. I couldn’t see what it was, but holy shit. It must have literally been a pterodactyl or something. The night is dark and full of terrors.” We reported the incident to Public Safety, who has since launched a […]
Sometimes the Man can really get you down, especially here at Columbia, but not always for the wrong reasons. In light of tomorrow’s town hall on protest rules, we bring you an article from the Blue and White’s December issue on security at Columbia. This is the first half of the investigation written by Naomi Cohen. […]
A few weeks ago, we at Bwog received an interesting and moderately disturbing tip about the Columbia Calling Center, a fairly popular place for first years to work to earn a little bit of extra money: “Could you investigate what’s going on with the columbia calling center? There’s this thread on b@b that’s talking about […]
Earlier today, the winners of the 2012 Pulitzer Prizes were announced in Pulitzer Hall (the building formerly known as Journalism). The late Columbia professor Manning Marable won the History prize for his biography of Malcolm X, the same prize that Columbia professor Eric Foner won last year. As expected, the AP reporters who exposed the […]
The weather is getting ever hotter, making liquid refreshment a vital between-class task. For those who seek a splash-free drinking experience or a stream strong enough to fill their Nalgene to the brim, however, the buildings of Columbia can be a challenging and sometimes alarming place. For this reason, the brave Water Wardens of Bwog […]
Bwog is no stranger to weird happenings on campus that end up going viral. This one, though, has us stumped. Is this some sort of Baccha90s guerilla marketing campaign? Who is the “ring pop princess” and what does she want from us? Is this her organization’s manifesto? What follows is all of the evidence we’ve managed to […]
Us or Fox News? That is the question. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Also remember this?
As I was without an Internet connection for the past week, I ended up watching a lot of television news. And while hearing about Barack Obama’s every move and every analyst’s baseless prediction of the day is fun for… well, really not all that long, here are some movies about the news are much more […]
UPDATE 2:42 PM: Damooei just called Bwog to inform us that the final word from Robert Taylor is that the Elections Board is not going to consider Krebs’ rules violation complaint because of the deal struck between Ness, Krebs, and Damooei. No idea what we’re talking about? Read on… The front page of today’s Spectator […]
Bwog is a simple website. We like hawks and free coffee and pictures of babies in snow. But this morning Bwog was thrust into the unflattering spotlight of the New York media thanks to a fact-checking-averse ex-Speccie with a Gawker byline. You can read the post here. The story has inexplicably gained some momentum, and […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025