Career development has been pretty fishy lately… with weird jobs posted on Nacelink, and the office’s awkward location on Claremont, one of our Staff Writers was pushed past her limit with her most recent experiences, described below. I visited the Barnard Office of Career Development for the first time last week, when it suddenly hit […]
Look at how we caught your eye with that headline! Remember that sub-plot in V116 about Dean “Double D” Denburg’s Big Bear/Little Bear initiative? The one where DD matched Barnard first-years and upperclassmen in a binding friendship contract and Jenny couldn’t sneak out and meet Yonatan at 1020? That sucked for both of them, but […]
Throughout last night’s CCSC meeting, scavenged foods drove members to use their appetite as a running motif. Satow Room Bureau Chief Martha Turewicz was there, although not feasting. There was some in the back of the room left over from the last meeting of the ’08 class council: chicken, biscuits, potatoes and gravy. Before […]
Someone who must truly adore the sculpture Tight Rope Walker (on the bridge over Amsterdam) has placed a mattress spraypainted with the words “Just in Case” beneath (thanks to Noam Harary for the photo). Bwog guesses that, after thirty years without a spotter, the spindly statuettes can finally relax. Unless they fall in, um, any other direction…
Last night, Bwog reporter Karen Leung went to the Chinese Student Club’s annual culture show, and returned both entertained and bemused. Her dispatch follows. Give people an excuse to talk about mass, and it’s only a matter of time before the fat jokes come. At last night’s Lunar Gala, the Chinese Students Club’s annual culture […]
Live from Weapons of Mass Destruction, where Professor Paul Richards, wearing a moss-green jacket and flowered tie, cracked the following joke: A sodium atom walks into a bar, looking dejected. Barkeep: What’s wrong? Sodium atom: I’ve lost an electron. Barkeep: Are you sure? Sodium atom: Yes, I’m positive! OK, maybe you had to be there.
Gautam Hans The scent of anxiety oozing from Butler dissipated for about 30 minutes as the Columbia University Marching Band carried out its annual tradition of making chem majors’ lives miserable. Even though most of the orgo exams are next week. This semester, the band largely avoided campus personalities, but hit SHOCC, PrezBo, PrezBush, the […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025