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Posts Tagged with "internships"

If you regularly wear business casual to your classes, please read this I’m begging you.

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SGA asks about the Beyond Barnard experience and what they can do moving forward.

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Career development has been pretty fishy lately… with weird jobs posted on Nacelink, and the office’s awkward location on Claremont, one of our Staff Writers was pushed past her limit with her most recent experiences, described below.  I visited the Barnard Office of Career Development for the first time last week, when it suddenly hit […]

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A Bwog staffer noticed some strange goings-on in the Barnard Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook page and decided to investigate. Last week, a post from Sanam Jalinous, BC ’19, and Hannah Hungerford, BC ’19, for a free table at Joe’s revolutionized the potential of Barnard’s Buy/ Sell/ Trade page. No more was the page just for clothing rejects […]

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Only a few more days until spring officially begins, and that means it’s internship-hunting season. Assuming you did a good job selling your strengths as a candidate got lucky at the career fair and scored an interview, here’s a step-by-step guide on ruining your chances. Forget what position you are applying for because you sent […]

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Tonight is the moment you’ve all been waiting for–Media Networking Night!  Hosted by CCE with support from us and Spec, the event will be held in the Low Library Rotunda, so just follow the line of anxious peers and alums straight up the steps.  MNN officially begins at 7 pm, but we suggest you get […]

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As spring internships start, we here at Bwog have realized that knowing exactly where Odysseus went, the intricacies of a Hobbesian state of nature, and the proxies involved in fMRIs aren’t very useful in a real workplace. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of classes the Core should teach in order to maximize […]

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Monday night, a number of students gathered in a small room in Pupin to discuss the modern obstacles of labor rights in America. The presentation was titled Intern and Labor Rights: Amnesty Presents a Panel Discussion. It featured, among others, Ross Perlin. Perlin is best known for his book Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn […]

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Most Columbian undergrads only live in the city for the nine cooler months out of the year. Those who have remained for the summer observe a city-wide, metaphysical transformation. Brief experience with the truly oppressive combination of ~100 degree weather and giant concrete/metal heatsinks forces a renegotiation of one’s relationship with basic infrastructure. “Urban jungle” takes […]

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Whether to work an internship, catch up on credits, or avoid family, a significant portion of Columbia stays in NYC between academic years. A summer in the ‘hood allows students to see a different side of the city, one in which papers aren’t due tomorrow morning and a happy hour margarita at The Heights might actually serve to cool […]

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The typical nine-to-five for Ramon Diaz, CC ’12, takes “hands on” to a new level. While his numerous photo ops really speak for themselves, Bwog couldn’t help but pose a few follow-up questions. Join us as we get the quick-and-dirty. Bwog: How’d you get the job? We’re guessing not through CCE…? Ramon Diaz, CC ’12: […]

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Tired of school? Well here, have some health care debate, and some career planning! First, at 8pm in Hamilton 303, the College Republicans  host Paul Howard of the Manhattan Institute to talk about health care reform in congress and elsewhere. Then from 9 to 10:30, get yourself a science internship at the aptly named Science […]

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 -Photo via How bad is the economy? Even the coffee lackeys are going to be out of work. For the 2009 internship season, companies are hiring almost 21 percent fewer interns. In a double shaft to college students everywhere, the number of applicants for these positions has increased by around the same percentage. That […]

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The semester just started, but summer internship application deadlines are fast approaching. To that end, the Center for Career Education is helping sponsor an internship fair this afternoon at 5 o’clock in Earl Hall Auditorium designed to get you on track for your summer plans. Expect a panel discussion by major city employers and a […]

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Anne Hathaway, collegiate role model Let me tell you about the time I got an internship An “interview” with the guy behind an actually really cool blog  Stereotypically railing against enforced gender stereotypes “We put not only the lipstick on the pig, but a dress, and we give it a tampon”  

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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