If you ever find yourself up at Columbia Medical Center’s campus, check out the Health Sciences Library!
Room 502 on the fifth floor of Milstein—you’re welcome.
Do we really grow as people or are we all still middle schoolers on the inside?
Do you recall a time before you’d stepped foot into Butler Library? Do you remember the innocence you once had? Staff writer Jordan Merrill does, and she has some evidence-based theories of what happens on the inside™. Every Monday through Thursday as I make the stroll to my classes from Carman to the north end […]
Who knew you could use your Columbia or Barnard ID to get into NYU’s Bobst library? Senior staffer Sarah Dahl has the scoop, thanks to her NYU connects. FYI, it’s pronounced B- OH – BST, with a long O, not like BOBst as in Bob’s your uncle. First things first about Bobst: Columbia and Barnard […]
Senior Satow Correspondents Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report from this week’s CCSC meeting. Topics covered at the meeting include the financial aid office, Bacchanal and their debts, along with various other policies along the way. FinAid: Student Services Rep Karishma Habbu has continued meetings with administrators from the Undergraduate Office of Financial Aid. It appears the Undergrad […]
Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. The Mudd Engineering Library is slated to be closed and replaced with classrooms. Volumes stored in the Mudd library will be relocated to the library in NoCo. It is unclear when this transition will occur. VP Policy Logan Donovan explained that the 3rd party vendor that provides […]
We have a new concept space on campus, hot on the heels of the Zen Garden. A recent email from DSpar on Barnard’s renovations included the following message: “Thanks to the faculty and students in the Architecture Department, Altschul Atrium is newly reconfigured as The Hive. It’s an innovative space divided into lounge, meeting, and […]
Caitlin Lynch reports with highlights from this week’s SGA meeting. The SGA has a new website– look at it! Correction, 9/29: The SGA, not the Alumni Association, is starting the initiative to reach out to students and alums in the Tri-State Area. That initiative is focusing solely on Thanksgiving, not Spring Break, for the moment. […]
If you need to print out that half-assed response paper, go to Butler or Kent. Photo from Wikimedia Commons
The University Senate has unanimously recommended that PrezBo and The Trustees (playing at Music Hall of Williamsburg next week) consider creating an interim Graduate Student Center. And that incredibly sillily-named committee has ideas! They argued that Columbia’s peer institutions have space dedicated to its graduate students and that such a space would increase a sense […]
Overheard near Uris: “Let’s go to Avery—that’s where all the hot girls are.” Official Response from Avery Library staff member, Ian Scheffler, CC’12: “He’s totally right, I mean there are all those hot Italian girls from the architecture school.” “Yeah, if you’re tired of reading, just look at all the pretty people … I mean […]
In case you haven’t noticed, CLIO has recently unrolled a beta version of their new library catalog system. The new version features a relatively sleeker interface, a streamlined menu system, and basically just doesn’t scream “1995” anymore. The previously mysteriously-labeled “Guided Keyword” tab has now been replaced with a slightly more comprehensible “Advanced” tab, […]
The Heyman Center kicked off its Fall 2009 lecture series with Harvard Library Director Robert Darnton. Stacks Correspondent Mark Hay reports: A fair chunk of the audience at the Schapiro Center’s Davis Auditorium on Thursday fully expected this, the first Heyman Center event of the fall, to be yet another aging professor’s lamentation on the […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025