Do you aspire to be a journalist, reporting on news that resonates with the lives of thousands, quenching the unquenchable thirst of knowledge of the lusty students dwelling in Morningside Heights? Do you wish to become a writer, pouring your heart out and digging into your deepest thoughts, just to have an anonymous Bwog commenter […]
It feels like Thanksgiving has just passed, and now, school is ending in eight days. The reality of imminent finals is finally dawning upon us, and we could not decide whether to feel #blessed or #fucked. On one hand, winter break is approaching. We could finally stop sleeping in the stacks. On the other, our GPA […]
Disappearing Diana Furniture, Dodge gym becoming unsafe for women, an update on transgender rhetoric on campus, oh my! Gabbi Kloppers, SGA reporter, takes you inside another interesting SGA meeting. Here’s what you missed at SGA: A large part of the meeting was devoted to reflecting on the most recent Town Hall meeting, which was focused […]
Intrepid new Bwoggers Romane Thomas and Jennifer Nugent ventured into the depths of bureaucracy at the latest GSSC meeting, where branded staplers, website updates, and breathless anticipation for Valentine’s Day were in abundance. Here’s their report. After a Student Council retreat last Saturday and last week’s forum/town hall meeting, the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) […]
Do you crave the feeling of being a star? Do you dream of writing an Oscar-winning screenplay? Have you ever wanted to learn to bake special brownies, to be dragged across the floor in Teacher’s College, or to stink up the SGO while wearing business attire? Don’t worry— CU (No Budget) Sketch Show aka CUSS aka the […]
We’re doing this just for you. We meet tonight. Same place, same time. Basement of St. Paul’s at 9 pm. We’ll be finalizing pieces for the last issue of the year and nailing down all of the content for the NSOP issue (yes, in awe of ourselves for thinking this far ahead). So join us […]
If you’ve always wanted to live the The Devil Wears Prada dream and work for a magazine, fret no more. Tonight is the Blue & White’s meeting, your opportunity to make all your dreams come true. We’ll be pitching content for next semester and start assigning writers and researchers. As always, it’ll take place at […]
Fellow students, Tonight like every Monday night before it, the Blue and White Magazine meets to feast, farce and foster a sense of community. On the agenda is the upcoming issue, but also whether or not we could redesign St. Paul’s chapter for optimal color-coordination (but not actually). If at all interested, please find your way […]
Dear friends, The semester’s just begun, and if any of you are like us, you’re looking for a venue to make absurd jokes, delve into discourse on funny and interesting campus details, or just eat all of our food and make fun of our silly pants (see photo). If that sounds appealing, come join The Blue […]
Friends, we invite you to join us on this final day of classes in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel at 9 pm for the last meeting of The Blue & White of the semester. We will announce the new staff for next year, give updates on the December issue, and look to the future. […]
As November gives its dying breaths and the not-so-cold weather rolls in, why don’t you take some time this evening to set aside your work and join the staff of the Blue & White as we discuss articles for next issue and beyond, make clever jokes, and munch on the finest of treats? If you […]
So why don’t you join us? We know you’re all blowing off class/work this week because of Thanksgiving Break anyway, so spend some of your newfound spare time (specifically that between 9-10 pm) in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel with convivial company, delightful discussion, and the tastiest of treats. We’ll be talking new pitches for […]
Like reading things? If you do, and at least some of those things happen to be magazines, then join us at 9 pm in the crypt of St. Paul’s Chapel to learn about how you, dear reader, can get involved in the Blue & White, also known as Bwog’s maternal figure/Oedipus complex/Freudian field day. We’ve […]
Though, the theme is a little high-brow: “Getting work done and pitching ideas for next week.” The dress code is hipster-casual, but we’re not gonna turn anyone away. We’ll have free food, as always, and unlimited free drinks, at the water fountain down the hall. While dancing doesn’t always happen at our parties, people would […]
Maybe you’re reading this because you’re done with midterms. More likely, you’re reading this because you’re trying to avoid eye contact with all that reading that you told yourself you were going to get caught up on weeks ago. Either way, there’s no better way to escape their disapproving gaze than heading to this week’s Bwog meeting. […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025