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Posts Tagged with "miller theater"

Proving Up is a new opera from Opera Omaha written by Missy Mazzoli (music) and Royce Vavrek (libretto). Wednesday the 26th marked its New York premiere (a second performance on Friday the 28th is already sold out). (Your humble correspondent had never seen an opera in his life before tonight, so if you thought this […]

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One of the events featured on last weekend’s “Where Art Thou” list is a performance by Ensemble Signal, tonight at the Miller Theatre, of music by Steve Reich, an American composer well-known for his work in the genre of minimal music. At first glance, we didn’t think much of this event; most of us aren’t interested in “four […]

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Bwog loves good music. We love good music reviews, too. Last night, we sent Ross Chapman to Miller Theater, to cover a concert with French composer Francesca Verunelli. Listen…or read on… “In a strange uneven evenness, strange things arise.” Thus Miller Theater’s program explains the modern music of the modern European composer Francesca Verunelli. Last […]

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Columbia’s got a decent-sized campus, so one would think that finding rehearsal and performance space would be a fairly easy task for our many performing arts groups. Unfortunately, with a constantly-increasing number of groups vying for space, and the Columbia bureaucracy doing what the Columbia bureaucracy does best (i.e. creating complications), the task is far […]

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On a brisk end-of-summer afternoon, two evenings ago, two Barnard first-years eschew dinner at Hewitt to get some cultural exposure. Crossing Broadway, Bwog correspondents Asya Sagnak and Sarah Dahl attended a talk at Columbia’s Miller Theatre by Dominican-American artist Scherezade Garcia, whose murals are currently on display. Given the quirky title of the show (In […]

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Fro-Sci Gets Artsy

The latest Fro-Sci extra credit assignment was a quite cultural one; diligent yet jaded Fro-Sci pupil Dylan Cooper tells of his Sunday afternoon with his Fro-Sci class at Miller Theater.  The Trials of Galileo. Sounds riveting, right? Well…what if the chair of Frontiers of Science urges all Fro-Sci students to attend the Special Event, which […]

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The Ivy Ballet Exchange performed their first show at Miller Theater on February 15 and 16. Bwog sent ballet aficionado Ali Sawyer to check it out. This past weekend marked the debut of the Ivy Ballet Exchange, a collaboration between the ballet companies of Columbia, Harvard, and Princeton. I would be lying if I said […]

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On January 25th, Don Byron’s New Gospel Quintet shared their heartfelt gospel jazz and fur hats with Morningside Heights. Seeker of the Funk Kem Walker reports from Miller Theater. Southern gospel is not the standard Morningside Heights musical fare—but that didn’t stop Don Byron’s New Gospel Quintet from jamming at Miller Theatre on Saturday night. Byron, with […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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