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Posts Tagged with "Trader Joe’s"

Take a break from the partying and get caught up with the news with today’s Bwoglines!

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Good morning, Columbia! Will this be the week? Has spring finally sprung? We sure hope so. One more day of cold cloudy rain and I’ll be ready to move to Cabo. But until then, check out today’s Bwoglines.  Happening in the nation: Violent weather is taking over the south right now—tornadoes, flooding, you name it. We’re […]

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Good Morning, Columbia! The forecast in NYC today is more clouds and drizzle… hopefully warm weather is on its way. And if it’s not, I swear I’m going to fucking lose it. I can’t take this cold anymore. But, don’t fret, because regardless of the weather, we still have today’s bwoglines! Check ‘em out. Happening […]

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Now that you’re off the jumbo frosh meal plan and have your own kitchen, or have returned to campus from a land of cheaper food, you may be struggling to justify paying obscene prices for staples like Cheerios ($6 for a box?!) or favorites like avocados ($2.99 at Westside and MoWill). We’re in the same […]

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Columbia’s ivory tower does not exist in a vacuum after all! A hard freeze in Mexico, which forced Wendy’s to offer tomatoes by request only, has struck our very own Ferris Booth. Ferris will not serve tomatoes “until further notice.” However, it’s not all bad—the tomato shortage is probably good for tomato farmers demanding one more […]

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Bwog braved the line yesterday at Trader Joe’s and would like you to be well-informed before you make the harrowing 40-block trek to buy groceries. Because you might get really pissed if, say, you showed up there tomorrow only to find there is no wine. That’s right: unlike its Union Square brother, this Trader Joe’s […]

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What a treat! The super sleek two-level Trader Joe’s is finally open! It’s on 72nd and Broadway, only yards from the subway stop. This is actually a big deal for Upper West Side food politics. UWS shoppers now face the following options within 10 blocks of each other: Fairway, Zabar’s, Citarella, and TJ. For the […]

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Spec is still hibernating, so today we’re giving you the best of the rest of the New York print media. The Booker Prize goes to a student with a Columbia connection!  Move over Orhan, we’ve got a new novelist in town. The WSJ opines that the nationalization of the banks might actually work, at the […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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