According to the New York Times, Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health recently sent out acceptance emails to 277 prospective graduate students–except these students hadn’t actually been accepted into the school. About 75 minutes later, the School of Public Health’s admissions office sent out a follow-up email correcting their mistake. The accidental acceptance emails, they […]
What does it feel like when even your running mate thinks your opponent is more qualified for the office than you? In an interview with MSNBC, Bill Weld, the libertarian vice presidential nominee, accidentally spilled the wrong cup of tea: “I’m not sure anybody’s more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president of the United […]
In the world of football, Michigan State decided to run up the score after Michigan apparently “disrespected” them earlier in the game by planting a spear in their field. Hey, at least they didn’t shout about Ebola. (Michigan Live) Nevada police officers arrested a man who went on a spree attacking seven people within an […]
Remember when we wrote a light-hearted and clearly speculative post about some rumors to get pumped up about Bacchanal? Apparently Bacchanal didn’t find it as much fun. In response to an inquiry for a magazine piece about the organization itself, a Blue and White first-year reporter received an unexpected response from a board member: “We at Bacchanal have […]
Work may not be bothering you in Butler yet, but Bwog is! We spent our Sunday night asking the few souls who are already studying in Butler, “Why are you here?” only to quickly realize that it was a silly question. While Bwog’s shoddy work ethic keeps us from the depths of the library until […]
Oh happy day for John Jay, Hartley and Wallach residents, who now can indulge in that most modern of luxuries: hot running water. After two days of freezing hell waters, the situation has been resolved, and students can engage in their regularly scheduled showers. Emails of relief after the jump.
We were dismayed to receive the following Concerned Email from Nussbaum resident Allon Brann this afternoon. Brann, like so many unsuspecting students, attended the Nussbaum incarnation of ResLife’s Thanksgiving free-food giveaway. But “the holiday offering of cider, pie, whipped cream, and candy is merely a front for a sinister aim: the indoctrination and eventual conversion […]
It may not have equaled the original Big Kiss — or even Big Kiss II — but the Queer Alliance and QuAM’s today’s Kiss-In got its point across. “When we’re organizing around sexual identity and you say we’re talking too much about sex — it’s ridiculous!” said Activism and Service Chair Peter Gallotta, spreading his […]
This time, the critics were right. We tried reporting on the Blight demonstration on South Lawn at noon today, which was a protest of Columbia’s lack of transparency in the expansion process and the potential use of eminent doman to obtain the last few properties in Manhattanville that Columbia needs to build its new satellite […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025