Let’s hope these are freshmen or just visitors. Outside the Law School, two female adolescents: “Wait, where’s NYU?” Overheard on campus, “uptown”: “I’m going downtown today, to 96th Street.” Two CPJ conference attendees standing by the gates spot Alan Brinkley leaving campus: “See that man there? He teaches here. That’s Alan Brinkley, the famous scientist.”
The weather sux. Life is dull. Remember the good ol’ days when life was carefree? Let’s commiserate together! Hit play on this next video, read on, and just… think about life. “I’m almost at where I want to be philosophically… and did I tell you she called me?” “Sometimes when your blood sugar is low, […]
In John Collins’s metaphysics class: Collins: You all should come to the philosophy prospective majors open house tonight. There will be a keg, Jager shots, and cake. Due to Phillip Kitcher’s absence, we could probably get away with anything, and of course he still assumes all responsibility. A TA chimes in: And he has terrible taste […]
In the lobby of a building, a fancily-clad gaggle of students walks by: Security guard: “I just got one thing to say—seven foot champagne glass jacuzzi.” Students: “This guy knows what’s up.”
Down: Drug Dealing – Police in Queens have announced a major undercover drug bust in Queens that netted 62 arrests. No word on why they decided to call it “Operation: Stampede” but the graphic is cute. (Gothamist) Up: Shakespearean Theatre – New Yorkers love Shakespeare, judging by the number of Shakespearean plays being performed in […]
Dear Professors, We hear you. Sometimes we under-hear you (read: 9 a.m. class), but when we’re very lucky, we overhear you! And not just while you’re weighing in on important international issues; we also hear those cavalier comments you improvise in lecture. And since we like what we’ve heard lately so much, we thought we’d share: Shamus […]
On College Walk, a woman is dragging her child by the arm, when: Mother: ”You don’t need a therapist, I can teach you that!” *Name that tag quote. Image via Wikimedia
A person in a group of people smoking outside Havana: I know smoking is shitty…but you should be able to do shitty things to yourself. Outside Broadway: Person 1: Hey, you have smokes? Person 2: Yeah, I unquit. Life’s too short to live any longer. People are so topical.
Two men entering the Diana: Man 1: Is this named after Princess Diana? Man 2: I hope so. Image via Wikimedia
Two Business School students with those CBS backpacks, in front of Lerner: “Everywhere that’s not in Uris seems so far away…”
Just not you! A girl on Broadway, to a group of friends: “I was so drunk I put my face on pizza.”
The November issue of The Blue and White will be here soon. Read selections from the magazine on Bwog. Say Cheese An adult, leading a group of what looks like young high school students onto Revson Plaza, points at statue of Bellerophon Taming Pegasus: “That’s modern art…” Points at the statue of the Tightrope Walker […]
In case you haven’t heard, some major shit went down yesterday. There was a genuinely shocked campus, there were droves of news people swarming around, and it seemed like the whole student body was a little on edge. Well, now the night behind us, we can all take a deep breath. Here are some overheards […]
Overheard in Era of Civil War and Reconstruction, a.k.a. Foner: “Whoever said this was going to be the worst fucking Chanukah ever was RIGHT.” Bwog hopes folks feeling this way investigated the Chabad Menorah. Or at least head to any of the other candle-lightings around campus tonight.
Elderly woman on the 1 train to a Bwogger: “It’s so good to see you reading! Look at all these other kids on their phones! There’s no service down here. Who could they possibly be talking to?! Kids these days…” This calls for a resurrection of the the social experiment! Whatever happened to our favorite […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025