If you need something to settle your stomach after free Ben & Jerry’s cones and the pounds of candy you anxiously consumed at housing, the Chabad Student Network is passing out hand-made Shmurah Matza on College Walk for FREE in celebration of Passover. Chabad will also be hosting free Passover Seders this coming Friday and Saturday […]
Make Easter and Passover last in your dorm all week long. Bwog’s culinary experts share some recipes that are not for the faint of heart (or vegetarians, for that matter), but that can add some Emeril-status kick to your seder/Easter dinner. We’ve got two meat recipes—one challenging, one simpler. Happy eating, as always. The Recipe […]
First, overheard (overtexted?) from a Concerned Citizen: Sorry about our housing number dude. But at least someone filled 100 large Snapple bottles with water and put them in the McBain elevator. At least, indeed! Our tipster included this picture: Also, Bwogger Claire Sabel reports that Brownies Cafe in Avery is giving away free matzoh, along […]
If you were not aware, Passover 5769 (double take? gentiles should read that “Passover 2009”) will begin at precisely 7:28 PM tonight, and will run until next Wednesday the 15th. But, unlike JTS students, we don’t get the week off, so Jewish students may not be able to go home for a family seder. If […]
Bwog salutes Israelites and Yankees today as opening days for tribe and team alike kick off. For the Jews, it’s the first night of Passover, the celebration of the Israelites’ escape from Pharaonic tyranny. For the Yankees and their fans, it was opening day, with a 9-5 victory over Tampa Bay; a good first step […]
The Times is a bit behind the times, but hey, at least it proves we’re not the only disappointed ones. That’s ok though, because PrezBo just became a board member of the Times’ main rival, joining such blue-chip luminaries as Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett (this coming after being appointed to the board of the […]
Bwog continues to revel in ethnic stereotypes. Overheard at the end of an Arabic class: Female Student: I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to class on Wednesday. It’s Passover. Male Student: Neither will I. Sorry. Female Student: I’ll bring back some food for the class! Male Student: And I’ll bring […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025