Professors may not inhale, but they sure say irreverent things on the first day of class. Here are a few you sent in. Keep sending the semester’s silliest from your professors and TA’s to Adam Cannon, Introduction to Computer Science: “I make these problems hard. If I was teaching at Southeastern Mississippi State, they […]
As the semester draws its last rattling breaths, your professors offer their wit and wisdom to sustain you through finals. Bruce Cronin, American Foreign Policy, on cheating: “If you’re Jewish or you’re Catholic, this will eat away at your soul for the rest of your life. So don’t do it!” Sunil Gulati, Principles of Economics, […]
Today marks the moment people have been waiting for since the semester started: the official last day of classes. There will shouts of joy for classes ending, tears of sadness for leaving your fondest professors, and groans of misery when people realize exams start in just two days. And amidst all this hullabaloo will, of […]
Image via The best of times: Kittens need to move out of their 72nd Street apartment and into your heart (Gothamist). Freakonomics thinks your professors should pay you (NYT Freakonomics blog)! Coming soon: more room to stand in line waiting for a friendly Labyrinth BookCulture employee to glance your way (Spec). The […]
Occasionally, Columbia professors break the monotony of Honesty Policy regurgitation to add a little spice to the first lecture of the semester. Here are this term’s quips: Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Intermediate Macroeconomics “Empirical evidence suggests that people die.” “There is one big difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, and that is that Macroeconomics is useful.” “Let me […]
Bwog knows that of all days, you are going to class today. Bwog also knows that those smart older people who are teaching your classes either love saying/screaming outrageous things, or really just can’t help it. So please, share the outrage (hilarity, warm fuzzy feelings, fear, etc.) with your fellow students by emailing noteworthy opening […]
So begins another year, and with the first day of class comes our tradition of posting professors’ opening remarks. Who will provide this year’s Freudian slips, obscure philosophy puns, and strange classroom rules? Email all the inspiring/hilarious/insane things your professors say to open the class to so that everyone will be as excited and […]
Goodbye, spring semester, we hardly knew ye. Your professors’ most worthwhile closing remarks to beguile and make you smile from Spring 2009. Caterina Musatti, Intermediate Microeconomics: “Let’s have a pleasant last class…which means you obey!” James Shapiro, Early Shakespeare, after a student performance of Richard Curtis’ Skinhead Hamlet: “Now, go try that with a group of […]
Bwog humbly presents part two in this semester’s anthology of professors’ opening remarks. Alfred MacAdam, Latin American Literature in Translation While talking about the mysterious fourth floor of Barnard’s Milbank Hall “I don’t know what they do with all those mirrors up there. Reminds me of Mae West – do you guys know who she […]
To brighten up this, the first real day of school now that both vacation and inauguration fun are officially over, Bwog will again be posting any noteworthy opening comments your new professors make today. So please email any inspiring/hilarious/insane things your professors say to introduce a class to so that everyone will be as […]
Bwog humbly presents our traditional anthology of professors’ opening remarks. Remember to send any overheards tomorrow to Morris Rossabi, History of the Mongols “A visitor to Mongolia once came upon a Mongolian woman whom he thought had enormous breasts that seemed to be moving. Upon further investigation, he found that the woman was nursing […]
Today is the first day of the semester, and, as is our tradition, Bwog will be posting all your professors’ opening remarks. Email all the inspiring/hilarious/insane things your professors say to open the class to so that everyone will be as excited and terrified as you are. Here are the things that were said […]
Bwog knows that you are “writing” your 25 page papers and “studying” for your heap of exams, so we came up with a little procrastination contest (and you don’t even have to open any extra Firefox tabs). Just search your professors on Facebook (yes, we know you have it open) and post your favorites on […]
You may remember when we asked for your professors’ partisan opinions before the election, but now that it’s all over, we’re looking to see what they thought of the results. Did Andrew Gelman go to sleep at 8:30 or party ’til the early morn? Is there surprise? Merriment? Bleary eyes? Tell us your story by […]
Many of your professors will be ending class today with encouragements to get out and vote. Some of these encouragements will be partisan, others will be funny, and maybe a few will even inspire you to vote if you were planning on not doing so. Bwog will be compiling an collection of such remarks right […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025