If you’re reading this, it’s too late… to attend the first session of Barnard Personal Librarians’ “Grab and Go” sessions in the Diana center. Thankfully, the amazing Barnlib queens will be available today (the 17th), tomorrow (the 18th), and Friday (the 20th) in the Diana Center Cafe (second floor) to answer any questions you may […]
Bwog has received tips from multiple RAs confirming updated RA procedures for investigating incidents of the use of marijuana in dorms: If an RA smells marijuana from a dorm room, they will initially knock on the door and, if the resident answers, the RA will write up the incident as usual. If nobody answers, however, the […]
Barnard College’s plethora of unique traditions (who else stuffed themselves to the gills at Big Sub, be honest) are always something to look forward to. Even though the college is undergoing some huge changes right now (RIP BarnLib) and some less-huge changes (the Magnolia is only moving a 10-second walk away, you can relax), its […]
Do you like needles? How about not catching the flu? If one (or both) sound appealing to you, swing by the Broadway Room in Lerner any time from 12 to 4 pm TODAY for a flu shot. The best part? The stabbings are free of charge! Enjoy your new status as a flu-resistant superhero and […]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock since 2013, you know Bwog has a special affinity for Aubrey Graham aka Drizzy aka Champagne Papi aka Drake. We relate to his vulnerability and stuff, but mostly we love dancing like fiends to his hot, hot beats. As the superfans will tell you, this Saturday is a […]
Hey, Barnard student! You’re invited to “Complexity of Gender: How does gender show up in the classroom?”, a student-led event (first in a series) meant to create dialogue between students and faculty on gender in our classrooms and learning spaces. The event will feature an introduction to relevant terminology, small group discussions between students and faculty, […]
It’s here. Your academic advisor’s least favorite day of the year: the Drop Deadline. Today’s the hard deadline to drop a class, so start composing those frantic emails to your dean that will inevitably be met with a kind but firm reply of “No, sorry, you can’t drop all your classes except Strength Training and […]
Clear your social calendars, because Barnard’s Library Paint Night is here! Channel your more foolhardy, artistic, and sensitive past self (pre-Columbia/Barnard) by picking up a brush and leaving your mark on campus. There will be three designated walls on the second floor of the library for you to explore your talents, so get ready and […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year–National Coffee Day! Whether you’re a bleary-eyed freshman pulling your first all-nighter to cram for this week’s Gen Chem exam or a longtime caffeine junkie hooked up to a constant IV of espresso, you can take advantage of CU Dining’s special event going on all day: with the […]
Ever had the urge to mercilessly roast the Columbia community? Have big dreams of one day achieving a level of self-deprecating humor comparable to ours at Bwog? Did you read Aziz Ansari’s new book and think “psh. I can write better jokes than this clown” (keep dreaming, kiddo)? Swing by the 122nd Annual Varsity Show […]
As part of an initiative to address food insecurity on campus, CCSC, administrators, FLIP, and other partners have worked together to launch Swipes, a mobile app meant to make meal-sharing easier. The app connects students who need to access dining halls with students who are nearby and can swipe them in, in a setup similar to […]
While casually checking our courses on SSOL/my.barnard tonight, we came across a startling change to one of our courses this fall. The professor for the Freedom of Speech and Press course (famously taught each fall by PrezBo) has been changed to Anita Dwyer. To confirm, we also found that the CU Directory of Courses also […]
The University Senate will present their proposed revisions to the Rules of University Conduct, which govern free speech and protest on campus, in an Open Forum today from 4:00-6:00PM in Havemeyer 309. Today marks the last opportunity for members of the community to voice their concerns regarding the proposal before it is voted upon by the entire University Senate. Anyone with a CUID […]
If you didn’t do so hot on your midterm and are looking to not damage you GPA any further, think about taking the pass/fail option. Although, think about it fast because today is the deadline to declare P/D/F for CC, BC, GS, and SEAS! It might relieve some stress knowing an A and a C are considered the […]
Tonight on campus there will be a teach-in to get students to mobilize for the Fight for 15, a national movement of fast-food and other low-wage workers calling for their right to unionize and to earn $15/hour. The teach-in is in preparation for the planned National Day of Action on April 15th. Tonight, Professor Matthew Vaz will be […]
Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025