Bwog received tips that a few moments ago, there was an arrest outside of John Jay residence hall. A man was reportedly tackled by a plainclothes cop, and subsequently more NYPD and Public Safety officers came to help with the situation. Before the apprehension, an officer shouted at a CU student, “Stop that man!” Apparently […]
Disconcerting news: about an hour ago, Ella Wagner, CC’13, witnessed a purse snatching incident by the side entrance to Butler. “I was sitting at one of the tables outside Jay when I heard a yell,” she reports. “I turned and saw a woman chasing what looked like a white guy with dreads, yelling ‘Stop, thief!’ […]
Yesterday, while walking down Broadway, Bwog noticed a big group of people with cameras and Public Safety officers near Book Culture. Turns out a bunch of newspaper and television reporters were staking out an apartment where IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was supposed to be staying. DSK, as he is affectionately known by the French media, […]
Public Safety just wants you to be safe. And to help you stay safe, at some point along the line (1998? 2000? You decide.) they created this handy quiz, teaching you vital “campus survival” techniques, as if we go to school in some wild jungle. But kidding aside, it does contain some valuable information. Public […]
Earlier this afternoon, NYPD officers arrested and handcuffed a man in the Lerner bookstore. Police officers on the scene declined to comment and Community Affairs at the 26th Precinct was unavailable. A Public Safety officer near the scene said that there had also been a call for help from a man being assaulted in the subway, […]
At around 11:45pm tonight, we received word of an incident on College Walk near the 116th St. gates. Tipsters informed us of a man screaming and being arrested by NYPD with Public Safety on the scene. NYPD told us the person of interest was “emotionally disturbed.” Public Safety had no comment but said they were […]
The Barnard public safety shuttle is currently out of service. Barnard Public Safety has emphatically assured us that if you call, they will provide public transportation, but declined to say when the shuttle will be back in service. Here’s the email that Barnard Public Safety sent yesterday to their friends: From: <> Date: Fri, Mar 25, […]
This morning, Public Safety emailed an alert, describing the mugging of a student this past Saturday outside of McBain. The email included the location and time of the mugging, along with pictures of the suspected assailant. However, the alert failed to mention any sort of exceptional violence, even though the victim, Mason Fitch, CC ’12, tells […]
Last night, Bwog received a tip that there appeared to be some people who were arrested on College Walk. Spec now reports that two children attempted to rob a 19-year-old student outside Butler a little after 8:30 p.m., and these children were then arrested by NYPD. When asked for a statement last night, Public Safety […]
In the past 4 days there have been three break-ins on campus, purportedly all committed by one mysteriously agile burglar. Here’s what the Public Safety alert said: Three burglaries have occurred on campus since the evening of January 1, 2011. In each case, the suspect attains access into the building, by scaling a wall to […]
Last night at 11:40 p.m., a student was assaulted and robbed on 113th St. between Broadway and Riverside. Terry Martinez’s e-mail (below) includes details about where to send information if you know anything about this incident. Pictures are included in the security alert, available here. Students: Please review the attached security alert regarding a robbery […]
At about 3:10 a.m. this morning, a female student was approached, followed and grabbed on 115th and Broadway. The suspect then walked away. The victim described the suspect as Hispanic/5’3”-5’4”/ 20’ s. Pictures are included in the security alert. If you have any information, call Ken Finnegan, at 212-854-4790. Text of the alert after the […]
Public Safety released an alert today concerning a tutoring scam, by which tutors offering their services on Craigslist might be fleeced. Full email below. Attached is the Crime Prevention News Letter mentioned. Dear Public Safety Friends, Public Safety has received information from one of the local banks of a “Tutoring Scam” targeting several students who answered […]
In the highly likely event that you did not consult your 2010 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report this evening, Bwog has picked out a few highlights for you. Instances of burglary have gone way down in the past few years; the McBain arsonist sets fires no more. Forcible sex offenses almost tripled from last […]
Public Safety sent out an alert this morning about two related armed robberies that occurred late last night. On 110th St. between Broadway and Amsterdam, three victims were robbed in two separate incidents around 1:30am. One of the victims was also assaulted and knocked to the ground. The official police description of the suspect is […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025