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Posts Tagged with "roy den hollander"
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Damn the (wo)Man

Roy Den Hollander just can’t seem to catch a break. Today, the Business School ’97 alum’s lawsuit against Columbia for failing to offer a “men’s studies” class was dismissed yet again. This afternoon, an evil feminist cloaked as Judge Lewis Kaplan rejected Hollander’s claim that “feminism is a religion.” Kaplan countered that feminism is “no more […]

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It looks like both of Columbia’s most media-hungry legal opponents are stepping up their plans. On one side, we have Graciela Chichilnisky, who, after settling for $200,000 over her own gender bias claims, is apparently pressing other female faculty to sue on grounds of gender bias, all to form a “trust” of aggrieved faculty members. One of […]

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Remember American hero and proud Business School alum (’97) Roy Den Hollander? The self-described antifeminist who sued Columbia for failing to offer a “men’s studies” course? Whatever, anyway, he’s back! And he’s suing mad, specifically about ladies’ nights at bars because what else? This month, Hollander is arguing that when nightclubs offer all the ladies […]

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You’ll recall Bwog reporting last week that Business School Alum and self-proclaimed “anti-feminist” Roy Hollander was suing Columbia for offering women’s studies courses. Apparently, these courses are discriminatory against men. Now, according to Bwog tipster Stephanie Quan, some Columbia women are interested in hearing his views. More specifically, the group Women in Science at Columbia […]

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Roy Den Hollander (he of litigious demeanor at right), a proud business school alum (’97) and self-proclaimed “antifeminist,” is suing the University Trustees and the Institute for Research on Women & Gender for using federal aid to promote a “religionist belief system called feminism.” Women’s Studies programs, he claims, are “spreading prejudice and fostering animosity […]

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