The leadership of SEAS Dean Feniosky Peña-Mora was brought under intense scrutiny in an article in The New York Times today. The story notes the numerous resignations of department heads since his arrival, citing frustration with his direction. This semester, two letters of no confidence in the Dean—signed by the majority of tenured faculty in SEAS—have been […]
You may remember that Columbia is one of the participants in Mayor Bloomberg’s much-publicized competition for the construction of a new science and engineering campus (or two!) somewhere within New York. According to DNA info, Bloomberg recently hinted that of the original seven applications, four have made it past the first cut—though he quickly and mysteriously […]
A flustered, out of breath, and out of place student runs into Carleton (Engineering cafeteria) and runs up to a group of engineering students: CC: WHERE IS THE TA ROOM? SEAS: …could you be a little more specific? CC: I’m sorry, I’m a history major! Charming southern gentleman via History Dept.
Over the summer, Bwog shed a silent tear when the acronym for Columbia Engineering was changed from “SEAS to “CE.” All hope seemed lost when the powers that be drilled the inferior acronym into our youngest minds. But the tides turn for the better! A tipster forwarded us the following email this morning from Margaret […]
Every graduating glass goes through an experience that is uniquely theirs, but it seems like the Engineering Class of 2015 is pioneering an uncanny amount of firsts. Their school was introduced to them as “CE” and not “SEAS,” and they are now taking a Gateway course that is a radically different from what their older […]
“SEAS” is no more. It really is “CE” now. After meeting many bright enthusiastic new faces yesterday at the publications meet and greet, we felt a little pang in our hearts when we got home and had a chance to look through some of our sign-up sheet. Guess it’s best to get ’em while they’re still […]
Z.Y. Fu, the Chinese businessman and philanthropist who donated generously to Columbia University over the past 20 years, passed away yesterday. In 1990, Mr. Fu began his philanthropy by endowing a chair of applied mathematics at the Engineering school, where his brother-in-law taught as a professor. Three years later, he endowed a scholarship fund for […]
Having being directed all around campus yesterday by Public Safety officers and people in ponchos concerned Bwog did not have a press pass, Intrepid Underclassmen Peter Sterne finally found the press section and settled in to watch the commencement of SEAS Class Day. After a procession of old alums, professors, and administrators, KevSho took the […]
More good news to spread today! SEAS ’11, here is your valedictorian and salutatorian: Valedictorian: Norases Vesdapunt Salutatorian: Michael Wang Norases is a Computer Science major and has plans to attend grad school at Stanford. Michael is an Applied Physics and Applied Math major. Congrats to you both!
Sean Zimmermann reports: Since 1994, first-year Columbia engineers have taken Gateway Lab, formally “ENGI E1102: Design fundamentals using the advanced computer technologies.” But starting next year with the Class of 2015, Gateway will cease to exist in its current form. Bwog has learned that starting in Fall 2011, instead of Gateway, freshmen engineers will take […]
Consulting-bound engineers can breathe easy! ESC clarified SEAS students weren’t able to register for certain Economics classes because of a “programming error in the registrar’s office.” The Economics Department and registrar have been notified of the problem and hope it will be resolved soon. Susan Elmes, Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Economics Department, notes […]
Columbia just never seems to be satisfied with their Web presence. The SEAS site recently got refreshed— by our count the fourth redesign of this year. (For those keeping score, first came Cubmail, followed by the main page, and then Barnard.) Talk about vanity/ vigilance! The SEAS site was actually revamped just 18 months ago. In this […]
Dean Peña-Mora & the Class Councils of 2013 and 2014 invite you to Carnaval, “a festive event” promising Caribbean food, music and dancing! Expect free food from Korilla BBQ & Empanada Mama, and appearances by Tropical Beats Steel Drum Band and Sabor Dance Troupe. Register here for a rollicking good time. 6-8 pm in Roone. Be […]
Sean Zimmermann reports from Monday’s meeting of the ESC. SEAS Dean Feniosky Peña-Mora came to tonight’s Engineering Student Council meeting. President Christopher Elizondo introduced Dean Peña-Mora as “the greatest champion for engineering students that we have on campus.” The Dean opened by explaining that he had “no particular agenda,” for the meeting, but he wanted […]
The Social Experiment is over. Spec reports that roommates Sharon Wu and Abril Dozal, both CC’13, tied for the win, both accumulating 145 passwords. Ian Kwok and our friends at the Socialist Experiment came just behind them, acquiring 108 passwords. “I didn’t feel the purpose of the game was to get me to talk to […]
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025