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Posts Tagged with "seniors"

For those of you who haven’t yet gotten your dream job offer, you may want to consider going to the Broadway Sky Lounge tonight from 7:30 PM to 9 PM, where you can discuss what you’re going to do with your BA with other soon-to-be graduates. Seniors who gloated at the news that next year […]

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Today the real world inches every closer for CU Seniors. Registration begins today for the last classes seniors will ever take at Columbia University until they attend grad school here in a few years. No pressure, and happy registering!

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It’s Senior Year!

Seniors should start making their way towards the Lerner auditorium, as the class of 2009 has til 2 PM today to Apply For Their Degrees, time-honored tradition of ceremonial inconvenience.   

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Free shot glasses for CC Seniors in the Lerner Piano Lounge! Right now till around 9:30. 

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Strictly Ballroom

Want to avoid doing your reading for another hour? SEAS 2008 Class President Eash  Cumarasamy has an idea for you: “The Class of 2008 is holding a study break right now for seniors in preparation for Winter Gala this Wednesday.  We’re serving hors d’oeuvres and there are tons of masquerade ball masks for people to […]

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People have been having problems with this year’s Senior Week, and they go well beyond the slightly questionable placement of the cigarette in its Bondian logo. Beyond the fluctuating functionality of its website, many have complained that they’re finding it difficult to get in to events, many of which sold out early. A tipster attempted […]

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According to multiple sources, next year’s freshmen will get a break–the Panhellenic council has voted to phase out first-year fall rush, since the new girls don’t have time to get used to school and see what greek life is about before signing into sisterhood. In 2007, only sophomores will be allowed to rush in the […]

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It may feel like the beginning of second semester outside, but the 40 Days event is happening now out on Low Plaza.  To the delight of many, they’ve got more sandwiches than one can shake a stick at.  But it turns out a large bunch of seniors are in the middle of another countdown, that […]

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Every spring at about this time, freshmen walk by Low Steps wondering why a bunch of seniors are sitting there with bottles in paper bags, or why Alma Mat er smells like vomit. Last year, a few of the hipper low-level administrators joined the loiterers in their celebration of public drunkenness, dodging security officers’ halfhearted […]

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New York Magazine has been collecting a little senior wisdom of its own, polling 100 of this year’s grads on issues ranging from the great books to Hillary’s judgment of our generation. Bwog is skeptical of some of the responses: 28% of you expect to make over a quarter million a year in a decade? […]

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  It’s 2pm the next afternoon and seniors are just starting to hungoverly roll out of bed. Notice we didn’t say “their” beds.   The Senior Dinner crowd last night was a mixture of the excellent (our friends) and the obnoxious (everyone else). A series of speakers were ignored until Quigley appeared on stage. Launching […]

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Oh, you wild seniors, you. How many times must you be warned? You made them so mad that she forgot about subject-verb agreement. Read her letter after the jump.

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