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Posts Tagged with "seniors"
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Senior Bucket List

Seniors! Time is running out, and bleachers are going up! We know you’re feeling nostalgic, sitting on the steps, and soaking up the sun. Senior Wisdom is imminent, but we thought we’d give some you advice as well as receive it. Bwog once again presents (hyperlinks) the shenanigans we highly recommend getting under your belt […]

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Behold! Ambiguity!

Lookie here! It’s a certain group of students doing a thing together, and singing the fight song! Bwog thinks they are great. And that’s all for tonight, folks.

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Look at how we caught your eye with that headline! Remember that sub-plot in V116 about Dean “Double D” Denburg’s Big Bear/Little Bear initiative? The one where DD matched Barnard first-years and upperclassmen in a binding friendship contract and Jenny couldn’t sneak out and meet Yonatan at 1020? That sucked for both of them, but […]

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Who cares if you don’t have a job? You know that four years at Columbia was worth every penny cuz being a CC senior entitles you to not one but two free t-shirts: a senior class shirt, and a 40 Days shirt! If you haven’t yet, you can pick yours up on the Lerner ramps […]

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With only a month of school left, this is a sad time for many seniors, who look around them and can’t help but feel waves of nostalgia issuing from all corners of this revered, and remarkably architecturally homogeneous campus. Soon-to-be graduate David Roche sent us this gem, and we were so touched that we thought […]

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Overheard on 115th and Broadway Columbia senior: “I don’t want to leave college, but if I don’t, my gravestone will read, ‘Nearly Graduated.’” Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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Senior Class Shirts

Seniors, your time is nigh! Expect regular reminders from here on out that, yes, you’ll be leaving soon. Tonight, that means t-shirts: CCSC 2010 will be giving out class t-shirts tonight at 8:00pm in the East Campus courtyard. Make sure you’ve got your ID–all the information is here.

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If you wandered past Barnard’s new Events Oval last night, the first thing you might have noticed at the Meal Plan Forum, even before the presence of the forty or so mostly angry attendees, would have been the two tables of catered food. Ironic, yes, but it did placate the hordes of meal plan-protesters, at […]

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For all you forward-looking seniors- the Center for Career Education is extending an invitation to “launch the academic year and your job search” at their first career fair of the semester. It runs until 12 today in Low Library. (So Days on Campus isn’t the only time you’re allowed up there after all…) According to […]

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What’s the worst thing about being unemployed in Morningside? That sinking, defeated feeling of utter despair that comes with craving a mood boosting, delicious nutritious meal at, well, almost any sit-down restaurant, and then realizing you can’t come close to affording it.    Lucky for those still unemployed seniors, Thai Market now officially recognizes your […]

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Hey, ’09! Don’t forget that today (as in “right now”), your new and improved 40s on 40 will be on the steps. It’s called “Senior Playpen,” a subtle way of reminding you that Columbia still thinks you’re eight years old. So go celebrate your last few weeks of being a quasi-child by getting crazy in what is literally a […]

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Who Needs A B.A.?

 – Thurman, on right, with Moravec (photo by Lucien Marc Smith) At least one senior already has a solid paragraph for the alumni notes: yesterday, the Times‘s “The Moment” blog briefly profiled soon-to-be-graduate Kyle Thurman. Thurman and recent New School grad Matthew Moravec are five days into their first art show, running until March 29th […]

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Sure, seniors may be looking at the worst job market in decades, but at least they have some of Columbia’s fun senior traditions to look forward to! Or, you know, not. The administration’s “War on Fun” campaign looks to be well on its way to destroying a proud senior pastime, as sources tell Bwog that […]

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So, seniors, it’s the last Friday before reading week. What to do, what to do? Well, Bwog has been encouraged to let you know that there is a Senior Pub Crawl tonight, starting at 10 p.m. at Bourbon Street (79th and Amsterdam). Arrangements have been made with bars running up Amsterdam (Bourbon St., 420, Dead […]

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Seniors have until the end of the day to turn in their application for their degree to 210 Kent. That’s a deadline Bwog is pretty sure you don’t want to miss. You can find the form here. 

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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