Public radio nerds, light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks (this, not this)—Ira Glass’s honor is under attack. The mastermind and host of WBEZ Chicago’s “This American Life” is the star of a celebrity sex tape, Public Radio Nerd No. 1, Austin Williams, explains. Well, sort of. Julian Joslin, (also older brother of CC […]
It’s late April; soon, it will be May. Finals are approaching. We, too, have been spending most of our waking hours—and a few sleeping ones, too—growing paler and paler in Butler, where the existence of something called “sun” is just a vague rumor we overheard two freshmen gossiping about once. So there are really only […]
A big thank you to Bwog Editor Emeritus but Always With Us In Spirit Anish Bramhandkar for tipping these great graphs. The people at the popular online-dating site, OkCupid, crunched their user-provided data to create ten very amusing graphs. Among the findings–vegetarians like giving oral sex more than their omnivorous peers, people on Twitter are more than […]
This weekend spawned some particularly sparkly gems. First, in the wee hours of the morning, a fairly intoxicated guy and girl approach the sign-in desk. The guy swipes in, but the girl lingers for a moment. She needs to be signed in: Guy: Oh, so you go to Barnard? Girl: Um, yeah. Is that a […]
A tipster sent in the following piece of insider info, spotted on Carman 12:
If you’re looking to satisfy your craving for South Asian delicacies, look no further than Club Zamana’s Tamasha Hype Study Break. Enjoy free Roti Roll and samosas, but if you want to beat the heat, ice cream shall be served as well. All in Lerner Satow Room, 8-10 PM. As the Facebook event page so […]
Nothing helps a body unwind from a tiresome first week back at school like sex! Well, this isn’t sex, but it’s the second best thing: allow us to present the third installment in our new and improved BwogSex feature. The following contemplations by Kia Walton were written in response to a question left in our […]
The latest issue of the Fed is out and aping another Columbia publication. Bwog highlights some of its cringe-worthy crassness… Ergonomics of shaving (ew) “The Columbia Animal Farm (Get it? They’re communists!) Becomes an Animal House (like the movie!!)” Same-old hipster hating Erotic fiction
As Valentine’s Day approaches, Columbia celebrates Love in all its shapes and forms. Today, Bwog’s bawdy buffoonery expert Hannah Goldstein reports on Chowdah’s tribute to the all-too-familiar awkward sexual side of Cupid’s holiday in the comedy club’s latest show, Sextravaganza. At least among college students, sex humor never really gets old. (If you don’t agree, […]
On Thursday evening, ABC News director of polling Gary Langer appeared on behalf of the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) to deliver a lecture on the Whys and Wherefores of Newspolling. Lacey Harris-Coble, the Premiere Poobah of lecturehopping, reports. Seen the real poll numbers on Obama’s ratings post-SOTU? Bullshit – unless, […]
Everyone’s favorite neighborhood BDSM club, Conversio Virium, attracted previous media attention in 2006, when Ann Coulter dissed them in an interview, telling Fox News “[S]omeone who needs to join a club at college to find a way to have sex, probably not your lookers…probably something a little wrong about them.”CV got some revenge last spring, however, […]
We owe ya one, Mayor Bloomberg! A faithful Lerner-roaming tipster noticed what looks to be a new NYC Condom dispenser in Lerner’s 5th floor SDA complex. There seems to be a sign above the contraption with an arrow pointing directly below, indicating that free condoms can be obtained here. Good thing they clarified, ’cause we […]
A week after the advent of Love at CU, Columbia has been transformed from sexless wasteland to a regular college. A new edition of the C-Spot is out just in time: Now that you’re in the relationship of your dreams, learn how to, you know, do stuff with your significant other. Some gems from this month: […]
McBain had a rough weekend. A lot of rhetorical questions about the practicality of a Columbia education. “You don’t often hear the words “erotic” and “Columbia” in the same sentence.” Who wants to work for the Committee on the Core? …Anyone? First Columbia, then ex-Queen members? Even America?!
Oh dear, it seems our friends at Fox News have gotten their hands on an issue of C-Spot. And wonder upon wonders, the literotica has offended their delicate sensibilities! In between abusing uncomfortable phrases like “naughty bits” (shudder) and “steamy enough to wilt Ivy,” Fox managed to track down two students to see what they […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025