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Posts Tagged with "squirrels"

Continuing our week of 10th birthday throwbacks to former Bwoggers, Sarah Faith Thompson has some insights on her time as co-EIC of this fabulously fraught publication. If you look way back in the Columbia University Class of 2016 Facebook group, all the way back to the cringeworthy month of August 2012, there’s a post where […]

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So this happened in Time Magazine. Welcome to the party, Time. You’re a little late. However belated, the homage to squirrels on undergrad campuses brought fond memories of Bwog’s own joyous, complicated relationship with the omnivorous rodents. Love them, hate them, or don’t particularly care at all, here’s a brief history of Columbia, the Sciuridae, […]

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For the second Senior Wisdom of the day we present Meriam Raouf, who takes “30 words or fewer” literally and “one thing to do” less so. Name, Hometown, School: Meriam Raouf – Flakes, New Jersey – CC Claim to fame? I half-heartedly interned for KCR like 1 semester a year, and never took the test, so there’s […]

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As spring fully emerges, a new mutant breed of squirrels—created by ingesting the fertilizer in front of Butler—takes over campus as the first step in its quest for world domination. These squirrels have heightened mental and physical capacities, and have been terrorizing unsuspecting undergraduates. A few tipsters risked looking into the squirrels’ fatal beady eyes […]

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Spotted: another squirrel eating people food. There were ten other people taking this picture.

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We know the whole squirrel thing is getting a little old, but a tipster couldn’t help but notice this poster with a cut-out piece of pizza attached to it. Is the pizza-eating squirrel becoming a new species or have Bwog readers taken the Geology library in Schermerhorn by storm? We’ll never know the answer to […]

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A recent pizza theft by a renegade, power hungry squirrel was first thought to be an isolated and somewhat magical occurrence. However, a new trend is developing as our favorite photo subjects get more ambitious in their dietary choices. A hapless student eating lunch outside turned away for a moment only to discover her pizza […]

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It’s another scandalous day in the Ivy League. Patrick Witt, the Yale quarterback who was lauded as a sports hero after he opted to play in the Harvard-Yale game rather than sit for his Rhodes Scholarship interview, has been accused of sexual assault. Turns out the Rhodes committee found out about the (unofficial) accusation and suspended […]

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While We Were Out

Bwog’s first class today was at 4:10 pm! Imagine that. Naturally, this meant 7 am brunch (incl. bottomless mimosas). What can we say? Blame our frugal nature. Blame Canada. Whatever. We blacked out, on a Tuesday Wednesday afternoon. Dazed and confused, we decided to stick to what we know best.

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