Havana Central, rest in peace. The West End, rest in peace. Bernheim and Schwartz, the new restaurant and beer hall opening up on Broadway looks almost done from the exterior; it has new sidewalk, a new sign, and has started to enclose its outdoor seating area. The restaurant is hiring, which is good because we […]
The evening began informally with Olivia Harris, CC ’14, jiving around the small stage, which was enough to put any audience member in a good mood. She sassily sang along to the classic songs the band was playing, making us wish we could have heard more of her voice later on in the preview. When the full cast […]
Sometimes, fresh-people, in a seminar, or at a party, someone will reference something that used to exist and doesn’t anymore, and you will have to nod your head or laugh knowingly. Ah yes, Morningside is like, so gentrified, you will say. We asked alumni of The Blue and White and Bwog for places, events, and […]
The shadowy group only known as “Senior Underground” has sent Bwog a message (by carrier pigeon, of course) that there will be a senior class gathering tonight at the West End to celebrate “our last night at Columbia.” Join your friends, and try not to send any texts you’ll regret.
The cast of the 115th Varsity Show entered to raucous applause from the crowd of 100 packed into the back room of the West End (as it will forever remain, at least for V-Show purposes). Our host for the evening was this year’s narrative patriarch, retiring Dean Austin Quigley, caught up in reading his own […]
From the November issue of The Blue and White, we bring you a piece about the growth of chain stores in Morningside Heights written by Lydia DePillis, James Downie, and Eliza Shapiro. Hard copies will be on the (nonexistent) racks on Monday! “How many banks do you need on one block?” asked Morningside Heights Assemblyman […]
UPDATE 8:38 PM: Alidad informed Bwog that he received a text message that he lost. However, Krebs has not received a text informing him that he won. Stand by. Just over 45 minutes ago, voting ended for the 2008 CCSC Elections. Ballots were cast, the gauntlet was thrown. While the CC listserv won’t receive an […]
Last night, a bunch of Bwog’s closest friends met up at Havana “West End” Central to make merry and make fools out of themselves in this old blog’s honor. While the antics remained slightly more subdued than we would have wanted, drunken mingling hit an all-time high. This was some hardcore mingling, man. And of course, we […]
9:00 PM! BWOG TURNS ONE! THE WEST END! With that Tourettically over with, a quick self-absorbed indulgence. The Bwog started as a mere twinkle in the eye of the staff of The Blue and White. Editors had been kicking around the idea of as website for awhile, but opinions on how we should present its […]
On Februrary 17th, 2006, we had a giant party at Mona to celebrate the launch of BW‘s quirky younger brother, the Bwog. You, at least, are still reading our little foray into new media, so you might as well help us celebrate our survival one year later. We were going to have it at Mona […]
Admissions Office Receives More Applications, Prepares to Crush More Dreams than Ever Before That Pass/Fail Thing Actually Happens; Newly Cold Weather “Just a Coincidence” New West End Owners Plan to Write Book About Establishment’s History, Drunk, on a Single, Continuous Roll of Industrial Paper Towels It’s a Boy!
We got an inside sneak peak of the West End’s newly Cubanized interior earlier tonight when it opened its doors for the now-annual celebration of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and other Columbia-affiliated Beats, culminating in an enthusiastic reading of Ginsberg’s Howl. For an event devoted to subversive young artists, the ‘Stend’s new digs, not to […]
Carly Hoogendyk sends in these photos of the recent West End (er…whoops, “Havana Central at the West End”) facade unveiling with extreme consternation. “It was just too visceral an experience seeing it for the first time that…oh god,” she writes. “Just bring back the scaffolding.” Bwog is all for the colorful vibrancy of Cuba and […]
The NYT has jumped on the West End lamentation boat and is riding it out to sea. Unrelated but also in today’s Times: Morningside Park inhabited by feral turkey.
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025