A morning playlist with a side of eggs and watered down iced coffee.
This is not a drill. Tom’s Diner takes cards now. We are not kidding. Betsy’s friend is paying with a debit card right now. Idris has been paying with card since a few weeks ago. First Koronet’s, and now Tom’s. Will Hungarian be next?
As is customary, Bwog sent its Arts Editor to opening night of the Varsity Show in order to catch the scoop and write the show’s first review. This year, freshly minted Arts Editor Sarah Kinney was up for the challenge. Here is Bwog’s comprehensive review of the 123rd Annual Varsity Show, representing the compiled views of all […]
Has it been your dream since birth to be one of the Seinfeld gang? Well, the show ended years ago (and was fictional) so you may be a little delusional. But you CAN have the next best thing—Thanksgiving dinner at Tom’s (a.k.a. Seinfeld’s famed Monk’s Diner)! For only $29, you can enjoy the most Seinfeld-ian […]
About an hour ago, New Yorker Ali Phil spotted Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander casually walking into Tom’s Restaurant. If you saw this happen, please send your pictures to tips@bwog.com or use our anonymous tip form! @HuffingtonPost @BuzzFeed @Gothamist just saw Jerry and George walking in to Tom's Restaurant pic.twitter.com/goN9o8zOqs — Ali Philippides (She / […]
Existence moves through the 4th dimension; C2H5OH through arteries and veins. These two phenomena coincide with regularity on the weekend, but rarely are there observers interested—and sober—enough to take note. Compelled by the urge to be a little more “quanty,” Bwog’s award winning team of (social) scientists decided to conduct field work at a nearby […]
We know you’ve been waiting a long time for Bwog to finally weigh in on the “newcomer.” But really, the question of the best burger in Morningside is so much more complex than a petty squabble between Five Guys and Mel’s. Thus, we’ve taken our time to really get our shit together. Burgers are complicated. […]
The Health Department is, as of this summer, requiring that every restaurant in New York display the letter grades they most recently received for cleanliness. This is a nightmare for everyone; it’s rare that any restaurant will sneak away with no health violations. The grades will be assigned during the next year, when the Health […]
“French fries in a bowl,” circa 2006 The Wikipedia Collection The smell of old grease wafting from Morningside’s finer college-grade establishments is irresistible in this indecisive weather. But which one to pick? The musty, fast-paced oil of HamDel? The old-fashioned, touristy lard of Tom’s? Or, the sushi-soba mix of M2M? In this installment of “The […]
How many restaurants can you say birthed the greatest intro sequence to a television show, spawned the digital music revolution and has the most expensive french fries since the Potato Famine? According to Suzanne Vega in the Times, Barnard ’82 and folk singer, Tom’s is more than just a refuge for overpriced appetizers. Apparently, she […]
In the midst all this heart-breaking excitement about John McCain, we were reminded to check in (as we do from time to time) with his daughter Meghan, CC ’07. Today Meghan answered 11 questions for MSNBC, in which she revealed her love for HamDel and her father’s love for Tom’s. Tom’s. “Q: Your dad is […]
Nussbaum certainly doesn’t “Wu” Subway savior can find like-minded saviors outside Tom’s Probably no Bollinger Halls in our future. Renaming Hamilton goes to highest bidder. Offers of int’l internships in many fields (in addition to finance) – and students still cry “Finaaaannccee” Staff agrees: Creative writing major = “Ehh” Why can’t we all just … […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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