BweeklyRoast provides off-campus coffee shop reviews for students who can’t spend another waking moment at Butler. This week: Black Press Coffee in the UWS.
The good people of 7-Eleven have decided to open a fourth location on the Upper West Side, and this one is actually relevant to us! The newest branch will open at 106th and Broadway in January, according to West Side Rag. This is great news, for many serious and important reasons (see: slurpees). If you’re still […]
Once upon a time (the 1930s), the Upper West Side’s Metro Theater played movies—the real, live kind that you have to buy a ticket for. Since then, it’s provided a roof for a brief foray into the “adult film” industry, a couple of big-shot cinema chains, and a host of legal kerfuffles and vacancies. But as the old adage tagline […]
Gather round, Morningside denizens, and hear the tale of the 47th Upper West Side food revolution! If you’ve ever opened New York Magazine, you’ll know that, yeah, 20 years ago there was nowhere good to eat around here, and now, yeah, there are some good places to eat. We’re at Columbia; we know we don’t […]
Bwog understands that staying in the ‘hood over Thanksgiving break can be a little lonely. Campus is a ghost town, and as your friends skip town droves of tourists replace them, clogging up the streets at the Thanksgiving Day Parade and talking too loudly on the subway. We also know that Thanksgiving dinner is all […]
Bwog stopped by the Upper West Side Obama Headquarters at 104th and Broadway today to see how things were going on Election Day eve. We were informed that today has been extremely busy and that buttons and posters are being sold like mad. However, “what we’re going to do on Wednesday” a volunteer told us […]
Yesterday we heard from Brooklynite Mariela Quintana on the ins and outs of a brownstone Halloween. Today, Upper West Sider Eliza Shapiro weighs in on a more local type of trick-or-treating. Mastering the art of a successful Upper West Side Halloween is a subtle craft indeed. The UWS proper (not truly Morningside Heights, mind you) […]
A good seven months ago, Bwog began to hear murmurs on every city and/or foodie blog that the infamous Madison Square Park-based Shake Shack was to branch out and open an Upper West Side outpost. Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is over. Beginning today, no longer will you have to consult the Live Shake Cam […]
Soul food lovers who enjoy not walking very far from campus to obtain your soul food, rejoice! Relatively recent neighborhood addition Rack&Soul has just reopened after a brief period of dormancy. The popular chicken and ribs purveyor has moved right next door to a smaller location on 109th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam. Their new […]
The rumor mill is spinning with reports that upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods is set to move into a new condo development to supplant Park West Village, along Columbus Ave. from 97th to 100th Streets. New York real estate blog Curbed notes that, “because something about these Whole Foods rumors always seems to play out, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025