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Several readers have tipped Bwog off that the cover story for this week’s New York Times Magazine discusses transgender students, and centers specifically around Rey, a transgender student who enrolled at Barnard last year. The article takes a look at the treatment of transgender students at different universities–for instance, Wesleyan uses gender-neutral pronouns like “ze” […]

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Tipster Jason Patinkin relays to Bwog the following story: Apparently a man at the 116th subway stop fainted of what was perceived to be a heart attack or a stroke. The man tumbled off the platform and landed on the uptown track. Subway patrons waiting on the platform began yelling, and one ran upstairs to […]

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The March issue is headed off to the printers, and you’ve already left for spring break. Still, please enjoy this preview feature from the next BLUE AND WHITE: A look at Brooklyn’s next wave of debauchery. 24 Month-Old Party People Rubulad, the infamous bi-monthly debauch at an apartment-building-turned-commune in the badlands of Brooklyn, is a […]

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IN SANDWICH NEWS: Gothamist reports that Eisenberg’s has debuted its first Elliot Spitzer-themed lunch: the “Sandwich #9”, which is apparently just tongue on rye bread. Ew. How long until Hammy’s follows up with the “Ashley Alexandra” — chicken salad, tuna, melted cheese, a failed musical career and some serious issues? (Note: This is the best […]

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The first off-putting parts of “Exclusion Suite,” the new campus soap opera, are the silences. The opening dialogue aspires to that cute, pause-filled pace that was charmingly offbeat before Aaron Sorkin pounded it into every episode of every show he ever wrote. But the tentative, plucky background music falls out of rhythm with the lines […]

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Bwog Is This Happy

Midterms are gone, spring break is arrived. Praise this little smiling monkey baby deity.

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Careful perusal of the Bulletin has revealed that New York’s governor-in-waiting, David Paterson, is teaching a class here at his alma mater. Because he is employed part time by the state legislature, the class was not due to start until tomorrow. Bwog intuits that this has been canceled. Bad news for the SIPA students who […]

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The joy of attending school in New York is that half of the student body has endured a subway ride with a stranger passed out and drooling on their shoulder. In the hope of avoiding unpleasant public transportation experiences, Bwog reposts its pre-break peregrination pointers (“travel tips” seems so overdone). And if you think this […]

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Fun with Charts!

Those gungho-y-est of campus organizations, CCSC and the EcoReps, win this week’s Bwog award for most funnest use of Microsoft Excel with their new website. One bar graph reveals that the average Carman resident excretes over 5 pounds of carbon a week.  A pie chart proves that John Jay is an energy-gobbling monster, which Bwog’s […]

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Why, the Fed is back! And we had thought ’twas lost! My God, Jesus is everywhere I look! One Scotsman has discovered China! In America! Dear me, is that a sexual pun I espy buried within the name of a Columbia landmark?  A number of heretofore unknown facts are presented, and in the most delightful […]

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See how your classmates live as Bwog resurrects an old favorite feature: Room Hopping. If you (or a friend) has a beautiful, well-decorated, tricked-out, gaudy, or otherwise exceptional room or suite, send word Bwog’s way and we’ll send a camera crew and reporter. What’s the point, after all, of living the high life if no […]

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Bwog received a tip from one unlucky student whose internet was shut down yesterday due to copyright infringement—which can mean anything from sharing or downloading stolen music or movies to illegally copying website content. The unfortunate tipster has not been sued by the RIAA (yet?), but according said tipster, CUIT has reportedly confirmed that one […]

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Last week’s felling of the tree in front of Earl sparked a mild-mannered quasi-protest act by an unidentified group of individuals who have placed a papier-mache Lorax on the stump of the Tree That Once Was.  Bwog would never suggest, however, that in order to create the papier-mache Lorax, the merry protesters would have had […]

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Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, has just resigned, days after the Times broke the story that he was “Client 9” of a high-end escort service. Spitzer made the announcement standing next to his wife, Silda Wall Spitzer, who was wearing a very fetching Hermes American Flag-ish scarf. Spitzer’s long-awaited resignation completes a tri-state […]

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Our all too brief sojourn to Brooklyn must come to a close, as our quest to explore each and every dorm continues. Today: Wallach.  Hey, everyone. It’s Wallach! Wallach is the kid in class that really isn’t the most interesting or social person but is certainly the one that can be immediately described as “nice.” […]

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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