Send us a picture of your Halloween costume by midnight-ish tonight for free beer and candy. Send to!
In the past week significant steps have been taken to follow the example of MoWi in festive Halloween decorations, to varying degrees of success… The River Lobby: sheer disingenuous-ness. There is NO CANDY! Brownies: basements are spooky! A tree on 115th: subtle. Bagels at Nussbaum: hmm… Duane Reade: just in case you forgot that the […]
It’s Halloween! Celebrate by learning this week’s weather forecast with Pat and Zak. Thanks to Pauline Baudon for filming.
Halloween is certainly not a day to give thanks. And it certainly isn’t a day to honor or remember historical figures or noble members of society. But it is a bit more than a night of debauchery and terror tacked onto the end of October. Bwog’s Pagan Affairs Bureau Chief Brian Wagner explains. The name […]
At around 10:50 AM this morning, cars collided at 113th and Broadway. A white compact, two cabs and a truck unloading were involved. The white compact driver admitted to running the light and causing the accident. He is sad. One cab is absolutely totaled. Thankfully, the policewoman on site ascertained that nobody needed an ambulance […]
Behold…the PrezBo stencil! Print out the stencil, tape it to a (real) pumpkin, and trace the face onto the pumpkin surface by perforating the black shapes’ edges with a carving knife. Then, remove the paper and carve out the traced areas.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, sort of. Hannah Goldstein, Bwog’s New York-Enthusiast-in-Residence, tells you why you should make the un-lame choice and stick around. Fact: New York is the center of the universe. Fact: Halloween is the center of the New York social calendar. Halloween in New York means four days […]
A TI-84 Silver Plus was lost yesterday either in Ferris Booth, somewhere in Lerner, or Hewitt. There is a name in white-out on the back, Nicole Lopez , and it’s engraved with the same. On the inside of the cover is a bunch of ridiculous writing. If it’s found, if someone could call at 3219455464, […]
When you were in middle school, Halloween was a time for wholesome, all-American fun. You probably went trick-or-treating around your neighborhood or marched in the costume parade around your school gym. But you’re in college now, and costumes aren’t like they were in the days of your youth. Upholding a longstanding Bwog tradition, Hannah Goldstein […]
The New York Times blogs from the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in D.C.! The Medical Center and Harvard have discovered that women who drink large quantities of alcohol are at greater risk for mouth cancer. (Health News Digest) Crime in Central Park almost doubles this year. (NY Daily News) Honor-system? What’s dat? (Gothamist) […]
You better get out of the library and down to Ricky’s if you’re supposed to be getting a costume for tonight. The store has reached capacity, and there’s a long line out the door. If you’re desperate, you might have more luck at the temporary Halloween location on 96th. The long lines all have made […]
Most people associate pumpkin with only two things: pumpkin pie and jack o’ lanterns. What we often forget is that this fantastic squash has many other uses. It can easily cross the border between sweet and savory. This Halloween, be more adventurous with your pumpkin! Here are four fantastic uses for pumpkin: 1. Pumpkin Soup […]
Tipster Danielle Benson sent us a photo of this sign, found in the John Jay elevator. Apparently, certain elevator patrons have been removing light bulbs from the ceiling and smashing them on the ground. Clearly, the John Jay community is now speaking out against this gross violation of elevator etiquette. If smashing light bulbs was […]
You are young and alive. Vote! Peter Sterne tells you how. If you’re registered to vote in New York, you should receive information in your Lerner (or Altschul if you’re at Barnard) mailbox telling you that you’re registered to vote and where your assigned polling place is located. If you haven’t received any mail from the Board of Elections […]
Lost purple Nano iPod. It had blue headphones attached. Lost somewhere on or near Barnard campus. Contact:
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024