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Posts with Category "GSSC"

This week’s meeting was chock-full of information about last week’s meeting with the Deans, Grad Strike support, upcoming events, and GSSC swag.

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This week, GSSC’s agenda included Updates from Meeting with Dean Rosner, Snack Attack Volunteers, and Senior Sweaters Budget Proposal.

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In a short but sweet meeting, GSSC’s agenda included Alumni Relations Survey, Snack Attacks Volunteers, and GSSC Retreat Survey.

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GSSC spoke about elections, events, and anti-discrimination efforts during their last Council meeting of the year.

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On Tuesday night, GSSC discussed the election schedule, upcoming events, and creative ways to access forms.

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On Tuesday night, GSSC met to discuss the graduate workers strike, tuition reduction, and teaching awards…and Bwog was mentioned once!

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This week, the Council met to discuss important updates on its advocacy for HEERF, the 2021–2022 tuition freeze, and a retroactive P/D/F option for the Summer 2020 semester.

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Tuesday’s GSSC meeting was short and sweet, but had a lot to share and celebrate in that little amount of time!

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The Council discusses elections for those who will run the 2021 Elections…not to be confusing…

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The Council heard from Officer nominees and others at Tuesday night’s meeting.

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The second GSSC meeting of the semester kicked off, as per usual, with President Jane Jeong (GS’22) by calling the meeting to order. Like last week’s meeting, it was a brief meeting. Council members discussed the upcoming senior-freshman mixer, to be held February 1st at 7pm. After a public comment by Bal Halperin (GS) regarding […]

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GSSC held its first meeting of 2021.

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GSSC debates involvement in the Tuition Strike, hears from the Columbia food pantry, and passes two new proposals.

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