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A recent alumnus, Vampire Weekend frontman Ezra Koenig looked back on his musical influences in an interview with entertainment news site Vulture. One of Vampire Weekend’s most popular tunes was clearly inspired by their time at Columbia. Namely, Columbia students’ inclination to defend useless punctuation marks. “I’d seen there was this Facebook group at Columbia called […]
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The Fake, Iterated

We’ve all been there. Maybe you never bought an ID, or you honestly forgot it in your room, or you used it so much that it got creased and started to look extra fake. Bwog’s barhop buffs take you on a journey of a chilly MoHi evening. The Unfortunate Bar-Goer It’s 1 am and you’re […]
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Bwog’s resident porn expert Busty Macmillions continues her analysis of Campus Sex Club, a soft-core porn novel set at Columbia in the ’60s and written by an alum. Read Part One. Trigger warning for dubious consent, misogyny, rape culture, etc. When we last left our horny narrator, Jeff, his new friend Chuck the asshole Speccie […]
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In the depths of Butler 210, a menage of book titles begged to be sculpted into a magnificent poem. It’s like they knew it was (almost) National Poetry Month! The claws of my son, A long black dragon, Divide rice by memory. Those perilous hands and my Memories on reform are Today’s revolution against Dragons […]
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In the heat of CCSC campaign madness, the candidates are plastering posters on every available surface. Even the bathroom stalls–the one place you thought was yours. Viv and Ben (CC ’16) have an interesting campaign platform to promote. Although it raises the question: where is the gender equality in this proposal? Urinal headrests, liberty, and […]
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At midnight a few nights ago some daredevil made that weird corkscrew statue in front of Uris into his personal skate ramp and sent us the evidence. Some minor research reveals it is called Curl which is super clever. There’s a lot of dexterity going on in this photo; color us impressed.
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England and Wales hop on the slowly but steadily moving marriage equality bandwagon. (BBC) No need to fear: that Turkish Twitter account you surely follow is going to survive. (Belfast Telegraph) An ideal solution to having to interact with other humans. Plus, you’ll look super cool wearing it. (The Ledger) PrezBo touted diversity at the University of […]
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Screw The Stacks

We heard about a sexpert, a master of hooking up in our favorite library, so we joined him for a personal tour of the sexiest spots in Butler. Bwog and the legend—let’s call him “Jerry” to get the “BJ” effect in the dialogue— met in Butler’s majestic lobby, shook hands, and got down to business. Bwog: […]
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Bwog knows that picking a dorm can be a stressful activity for freshmen (or “rising sophomores” in Housing terminology). We’ve created a quick quiz to help you figure out which dorm is right for you. Enjoy!
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Artur Renault did what many would consider a self-destructive act. He went deep inside Schermerhorn for fun. The results of this mad expedition are laid before you. From the outside, it looks pretty normal. It almost beckons you to go inside. “Come in, I’m just like Havemeyer or Dodge, or any other brick building with […]
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You, too, can have input on our new Dean of Undergraduate Student Affairs, according to an email just sent out by Deantini and Dean Boyce. Win the lottery, abide by “confidentiality requirements,” and help Storbeck and PrezBo narrow it down next Tuesday and Friday. The academic headhunters Storbeck/Pimentel and Associates began the search to replace Ke$ho (and interim dean Terry […]
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Monday’s SGA meeting was hands-down the most intense meeting of the school year—so intense that Barnard Bureau Chief Lauren Beltrone had to record it so she wouldn’t miss a beat. If you want to read the part about Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, skip to the fourth paragraph. There were three distinctive chunks of […]
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
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Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
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I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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