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Paula Franzese, Adjunct Professor in the Barnard Political Science Department (and alumna of Barnard and Columbia Law School), has two new books in the Columbia bookstore – A Short and Happy Guide to Being a College Student and A Short and Happy Guide to Being a Law Student. The books contain motivation, nuts and bolts […]
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Where Art Thou?

“Welcome back,” said Columbia as it threw twenty midterms and two term papers at you with all the grace of Rob Ford happening upon an innocent football. Antsy arts editor Madysen Luebke finds you non-Netflix/nutella ways to unwind. All Weekend: Don’t have the patience or attention span to watch a full length play but still […]
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Around noon, today, Bacchanal announced that its Battle of the Bands, to determine one of the #THROWBACCHANAL openers, was a no-go. A comment promised: “There will still be a student opener to be decided upon by online form. Stay updated to fill out the form and decide who will be your student opener!” Fair enough; no student-run […]
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Bwog’s token SEAS kid Kevin Chen reviews Columbia Dining’s latest online initiative: the Dine@CU iPhone app. On Monday, Dining released the Dine@CU iPhone app, which gives menus for each dining hall and general dining news. Built by Gilbert Feig, SEAS ’15, the app is an improvement over the Columbia Dining mobile site. When you open the […]
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Less than a week ago, you were lying on a beach in Cancun/helping save the world/eating your mom’s food and powerstreaming Parks and Rec for the fortieth time. Deal with the bewilderment of the real world in the best possible way: with synths and Mediterranean food. This week, Live At Lerner brings you their tenth […]
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Found: Bracelet

I found a thick gold chain bracelet on the floor (somewhere between John Jay and Butler). If someone knows who it could belong to, please e-mail me at Thanks!
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This woman is deathly terrified of cheese. Guess she’d definitely pick oral..? (Daily Mail) After a lengthy ten years, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are “conscious[ly] uncoupling.” (Salon) Are you a young, metrosexual dude who’s always felt the need for a term to sum up your identity/validate your existence? Maybe you’re a “yummy.” (We’re not […]
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We know you have all been eagerly awaiting to hear what Bwog did for spring break.  Well boy do we have some riveting stories for you.  Ok maybe not.  Bwog did have some very interesting experiences this break whether in NYC, at home, or in some far away warm place (loljk).  As always,  be sure […]
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ESC met last night to do their ESC thing. We can only speculate that SEAS puns abounded… We also sent energetic engineer Aparajita Maitra to get the actual facts. It’s that time of the week again. With elections approaching, ESC is back from spring break and in full swing. Yesterday’s ESC meeting began with a very […]
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Update (3/27): Full list of buildings with gender neutral bathrooms under the jump. Assuming there are no major complications, Columbia plans to add gender neutral bathrooms to its list of summer renovations for Lerner Hall and more. This comes as a result of collaborations between student group GendeRevolution, various members of student government (including University […]
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Still coming down from that great beach vacation/massive Pokémon Netflix binge/week spent writing your thesis in the bowels of the But? The Blue and White is here for you. So if you’re having school problems we feel bad for you son, but you’ve got 99 midterms and the mag ain’t one. Come to commiserate, to pitch, to […]
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The Columbia Culinary Society and FeelGood CU will be facing off in another grilled cheese competition tonight in one of the bitterest rivalries ever to descend upon Columbia.  The duel begins at 9 p.m. in the Lerner East Ramp Lounge.  All in attendance will get a chance to taste and vote on their favorite grilled […]
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
Columbia Men’s Soccer Secures Their First Win Of The Season Against Yale
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Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
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I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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