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You may have realized that Bwog is secretly a huge opera fan.  So when this question landed in our tip form, we were more than happy to find the answer. Dear Bwog, I just heard WKCR is doing a 48 hour broadcast to commemorate Wagner’s bicentennial in a week and a half. Can somebody please […]
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Bwoglines: Ever wonder what it would be like to live in a giant dollhouse? Neither have we but too bad. (Yahoo) Finals Tip: Practice self control. Procrastinate: Relive childhood memories (with the added benefit of zombies) and watch as Ryan Gosling won’t eat cereal. (Organ Trail, Buzzfeed) Overseen: Look on the bright side!  
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And now for the first of our very own graduating seniors: David Hu, former Bwog managing editor, who does some ambiguous, then not so ambiguous, admiring. Name, Hometown, School: David Hu, Virginia Beach, SEAS Claim to fame? Managing Editor of this Bwog thing for a year. I might have helped you draw on Low or […]
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The final issue of The Blue and White is on campus just in time to offer perfect procrastination fodder. You’ll find an interview with Greta Gerwig, BC ’06; a critical look at TFA; and the final installment of a series on undergraduate student debt at Columbia. Scour Butler or Lerner for a copy, or check it out […]
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This semester’s Orgo Night was slightly less, ah, hyped than the last, but was still a great respite from the tension on campus throughout this week.  Freshman daily editor Zachary Hendrickson tried to get a comprehensive grasp on the tradition. I think it’s important to start by saying that I have close friends in the […]
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In our continuing coverage of the rooms you’re reading this in, we bring you that room up on the fourth floor of Butler, the George and Jesse Siegel Reading Room. Ah, the fourth floor of Butler: just high enough that you’ll sweat if you take the stairs and you’ll feel slightly guilty if you take […]
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Ivan Lupic, who will be receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia this semester before blasting off to be a real professor at Stanford, has largely been identified as the Lit Hum instructor who passed out the pages for the ID passages.  Yesterday, he wrote to Bwog and Spec to defend himself, essentially writing this whole thing […]
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Today’s first Senior Wisdom: Louise McCune, the fine lady behind some of our Butler archetypes, and the fine lady who is probably sitting behind you as you read this, considering your eligibility for portraiture.  Name, Hometown, School: Louise McCune, San Francisco, Columbia College, American Studies Claim to fame? In these circles I am probably best […]
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Everything is awful except for the Slow Loris. Holy fucking shit the Slow Loris.  Bwoglines: Randy Jackson leaves American idol. (E!) Carbon dioxide has not been this high in at least three million years. (NYT) You decide which is the greater tragedy. Finals Tip: Don’t be a shitty person. Instead, drop out and become a cheese wit. (NYT) […]
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Tonight’s Senior Wisdom: Matt Martinez, who makes some excellent cheese-related puns (after Bwog’s own heart), and quotes some Winnie the Pooh. Name, Hometown, School: Matthew Patrick Martinez; Sayville, NY; Columbia College Claim to fame? Actor in KCST and Latenite Theatre; wrote my thesis on larping; read The Night Before Christmas at the Yule Log Ceremony […]
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…And now for something sports-related at Columbia that’s just straight-up awesome: Josh Martin, who was signed by the Kansas City Chiefs, sits down with Kansas rep Zachary Hendrickson to talk about being a free agent, a band nerd, and successful in general. Bwog: First of all, congratulations! What did it feel like, being signed by […]
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We figured y’all might need a few light-hearted things to round out this week. So did SWP the Puppy Coalition. To that end, your favorite stress-relievers — THE PUPPIES — are coming back to John Jay to banish your woes. Tomorrow from 2:00 to 3:30 in the John Jay and Furnald lounges, countless (okay, around […]
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shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024
Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
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I love you SOFIA!!!!!! youre so talented and the best (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Sofia DeSanto
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Who has classes in Teachers College? (read more)
15 Minutes: A Story Of Trials And Tribulations
October 4, 2024

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