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It’s been a week since Obama was reelected, and residents of many states are petitioning to secede from the United States. Most of these are Southern states, but even New York and New Jersey have sent letters. None of these cite the reelection, but suspiciously the rise in their arrival began last Tuesday… (Politico) In […]
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Way back before the hurricane, a feisty character from BoredatButler fliered campus with posters of Operation Ivy League images, inviting the community to question the return of two groups that stirred much public shame less than two years ago. Bwog met with the anonymous mastermind behind “Operation Recall,” and learned more about the motivation behind […]
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On Saturday, around 40 members of Student-Worker Solidarity, a group of Columbia and Barnard students working for pay equality in the Columbia community, rallied alongside former restaurant workers at Indus Valley Restaurant on Broadway. Here’s SWS’s official press release about the event: For the third Saturday in a row, Columbia students protested alongside former employees […]
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After a two week hiatus, CCSC was back in action last night as it tackled a jam-packed agenda and played host to a number of guests. Student Council Correspondent Maren Killackey reports. First, Deans Monique Rinere (Dean of Advising and Associate Dean of Student Affairs) and Michael Dunn (interim Assistant Dean and “great person”) stopped […]
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This coming Saturday, The Spectator, The Blue & White, and the InterPublications Association are teaming up to bring you the first Columbia Media Conference. The Conference is a day-long (from about noon until 5pm) series of panels focusing on the media industry, and will feature over 20 speakers from both the business and content sides of […]
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Sure, you’ll wanna take Art Hum/Music Hum/that dinosaur class to fulfill your science requirement at some point before you graduate. But why ignore Columbia’s vast wealth of insanely-titled courses irrelevant to any topic of study ever? The challenge: take all of the following classes in lieu of your perfectly planned schedule. Convince your advisor to […]
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Prepare yourself for heart-shattering sadness. Is your pint of ice-cream ready? Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, after almost two years of dating, have finally split. A nation of tween girls weeps for them. (US Weekly) With a $90 million opening weekend, Skyfall has claimed the title of highest-grossing Bond film—not an easy task when the […]
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Earlier this evening, KevSho sent out an email to the student body. Touching on Student Life Fees, the yet-unallocated convent, and the Brownstone Review Committee, it used agreeable language to address student dissent. Some of what he wrote on that last point—the 114th brownstones—didn’t line up to Bwog. KevSho began by avowing to “value discussion at every […]
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The people(and by people we mean we) have spoken, and winners of Bwog’s Halloween Costume Contest are finally here: Drum roll please………..  
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The Empire State Bowl may well have lived up to its grandiose name on Saturday as Football played their best half of the season to beat Cornell 34-17 in the final home game of 2012 – or forever if the Mayans have their way. While Football was the only team that lifted a trophy this weekend, […]
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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to Bwog’s meeting tonight, at 7pm in the SGO on the 5th floor of Lerner. America via Wikimedia Commons   
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The Riverside Church needs your help! Today is the last major volunteering day for Hurricane Sandy Relief/Recovery. Sundays are typically their busiest and least staffed days. You can stop by to lend your time or bring a donation at any point until 7pm tonight. Volunteer efforts have recently transitioned from relief to recovery. Many displaced people now […]
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You’re the goat (read more)
A Lion’s Guide To The CC Core Curriculum
October 25, 2024
So true. I regret not writing this when I was in school!! (read more)
Someone Find Me A Plug
October 24, 2024
Why can't Columbia students use Barnard's new Wellness center? Outrageous. (read more)
To Ban Or Not To Ban: Review Of Barnard’s Prohibited Items
October 24, 2024
Thank you for the kind words! <3 (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024

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