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Update, 5:11: Director of Communications, Kat Cutler, told us that the student has been found and is now with his family. Another university official also confirmed he is at home and well. According to Spec, a Columbia College senior has been reported missing after last being seen December 14th at the Milburn, New Jersey train […]
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Yesterday night, a tipster sent in this photo. We’ve seen Hamiltonian notes before, but the openness of the denizens behind door number 401 to babes made us curious.
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From us to you: a Limited Edition Louise McCune Original poster of all of our Butler Archetype friends. We’ve left a stack on the shelves in the back of Butler Café, and a few around 209. If you don’t nab one today, don’t worry, we’ll be sprinkling them around the library over the coming week.
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Overseen in Carman, hanging in the balance: “Bodies are not the same as Coca-Cola cans.” –Arthur Caplan
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Last Thursday, Army General Ray Odierno appeared on the Colbert Report to announce the end of the War in Iraq, and over the weekend, the last U.S. troops rolled across the border from Iraq to Kuwait. Most troops will be home for Christmas, but some 4,000 will remain in Kuwait as a quick reaction force. […]
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Call us old-fashioned*, but Bwog likes sticking to traditions. That’s why we dared enter the dark abyss of terror and neurosis that is Butler without so much as a Virgil-figure to protect us (or at the very least warn us to avert our gaze from one of those 209-couples who seem to feed on creepy eye […]
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According to the Wall Street Journal, Mayor Bloomberg plans to announce that Cornell’s won the competition for an applied-science campus in NYC. They beat out the rest of the “shortlist,” which was down to Carnegie-Mellon, NYU, Cornell, and us, after Stanford dropped out on Friday. Not all hope is lost; even if Bloomberg awards Roosevelt Island to […]
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It’s finals week and you know what that means. We’ve lampooned the inanity of Butler before, but this year we’ve adapted Butler Bingo around those closest (literally) to you: Butler Archetypes. Here’s how to play: sit in Butler. Look at the game board. Scroll over each square to read its description. Look around you. When […]
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If you’ve been cooped up in Butler for the past week like we have, you’ve probably forgotten how to use your voice/form words/engage with others. That’s okay. For your sake, and for that of the 2015ers, we’ll repost our comprehensive guide to Columbia’s loudest and most transient school tradition.   Finals got you down? Then […]
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Take a moment on your last Sunday at Columbia this semester to soak up some knowledge. In this edition of Actual Wisdom, classy Classicist Marcus Folch warns us not to be classist, among other things. Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer: Existence, least of all my own, needs no justification.  We are, after all, ends in […]
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Lost: Beanie Cap

Peruvian styled beanie, black with patterns in neon green, orange, and yellow.  Lost in or just outside of Butler.  Here’s a picture. Contact
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Waking up with no idea where you are and how you got there isn’t an experience only reserved for the cast of The Hangover. After sitting through the pain of that final three hour exam, who wouldn’t want to go from hitting the books to hitting the bar? While most of these nights end with […]
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I have never had the opportunity to explore this place. But for now, I’d just like to say that your (read more)
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You and your suite-mates did a very thorough, conscientious job. In the process, maybe you learned a sad truth about (read more)
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Was devastated to miss the game but this coverage makes up for it! Such detailed commentary - I feel like (read more)
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