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There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: those with the right kind of mug in the NoCo library, and those who tell you that you have the wrong mug… …and that you can’t use your phone  
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It may not be quite as exciting as a Saturday night, but Live At Lerner promises to be a free and relaxing break from cramming for midterms. There’s talk of stress-busting back rubs, free food (both healthy, and “comfort,” notes the Facebook event), a photo booth with props, and a pumpkin patch.  Stop by Lerner Piano […]
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Exposed: Security analyst who went undercover to give the FBI inside info on OWS protests. (Gawker) Interrupted: Rupert Murdoch during a speech on education by protestors wanting to Occupy Sesame Street. (HuffPo) Evicted? The controversial Park51, Ground Zero community center unless it pays $1.7 million in back rent. (NY Post) Vented: The woes of this […]
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While some Nytimes readers are quick to grab the crossword or The Ethicist, the sentimental softies among us reach for the Sunday Styles section and open straight to our weekly guilty pleasure, “Modern Love.” Tackling everything from “when your father google-stalks your boyfriends” to “my husband is now my wife,” the columns chronicle that crazy […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended “America and Israel-Palestine: War and Peace” Monday 6:00 pm […]
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Thought this giant hairy rasturbation was bad? Check out the friskiness that befell the Mudd ‘vator this past weekend. This one has more of a vagina dentata effect… Photo courtesy of Courtney Gianinni
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Doing “work.” But, really, deleting Facebook friends and online shopping don’t count as being productive. Why not come hang out with Bwog for a bit, instead? Stop by the SGO at 7pm for our weekly meeting. There will be a variety of undisclosed free snacks. At least this way you can tell your roommate that […]
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Columbia may not always excel on the playing field, but when it comes to sports of the intellectual variety, we fare rather well. Last week, our Parliamentary Debate Team faced off against Harvard in a public debate hosted by Halogen TV and recapped in the New York Times. Bwog caught up with Columbia’s winning epistemological […]
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Interested in celebrating the fall harvest in style, but can’t find a good free-standing structure with a palm-leaf roof nearby? Chabad Lubavitch has conveniently set up a super-mobile sukkah on Broadway between 113th and 114th streets for your religious observance needs. For those unfamiliar with Jewish High Holidays, Sukkot is a weeklong festival commemorating the bounties of […]
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Your Butler: the fluted columns, the intellectual legacy, the perfect study spot. Unfortunately that serial sniffler surrounded by a fortress of textbooks thinks so too. The Panopticonesque 209 is for people who want to be seen studying, not actually get any work done. But Butler’s just so purdy, you say. Excuses, excuses. Aesthetics certainly don’t make […]
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In fact, our campus can be very confusing—especially when its late Saturday night. Send your overheards to Girl, pointing at Lerner: “That’s the student-ish center thing, whatever.” Curious passerby: ”What are all these red flags for? Is there a massive capture the flag game going on?” Escher via Wikipedia
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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