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Posts Tagged with "brownstone review committee"

In an effort to keep institutional memory alive, Bwog wants to teach you about major issues and topics at Columbia.  If there is something you would like to know more about, look it up on wikicu or email  Today, we attempt to explain why you’re not at a frat fraternity party like all your […]

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Bwog spoke with former Greek Judicial Board (GJB) Chairman Matthew Renick about his resignation following the decision on the 114th street brownstones. The GS/JTS student is former President of AEPi. In interview below, Renick explains himself.  Bwog: Do you think the statement was appropriate? Do you regret sending it? Renick: No, I do not regret […]

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Matthew Renick, GS/JTS ’13 and former President of AEPi, was Chairman of the Greek Judicial Board—until today, when he resigned by email. “My decision,” he wrote, “is based in large part on my reaction to the Brownstone Application Committee’s decision.” He called Dean Martinez’s management of the committee “absurd and out-of-line,” and protests that the committee […]

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Here are the winners of the brownstones formerly known as AEPi, Pike, and PsiU: Alpha Chi Omega Lambda Phi Epsilon Q House While this is great news for these three organizations—having been without a house for so long—it comes as a blow to AEPi and Pike as they were trying to earn their houses back.  Dean […]

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Way back before the hurricane, a feisty character from BoredatButler fliered campus with posters of Operation Ivy League images, inviting the community to question the return of two groups that stirred much public shame less than two years ago. Bwog met with the anonymous mastermind behind “Operation Recall,” and learned more about the motivation behind […]

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Earlier this evening, KevSho sent out an email to the student body. Touching on Student Life Fees, the yet-unallocated convent, and the Brownstone Review Committee, it used agreeable language to address student dissent. Some of what he wrote on that last point—the 114th brownstones—didn’t line up to Bwog. KevSho began by avowing to “value discussion at every […]

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Earlier today, Spectrum noticed that anti-frat fliers were posted around campus in response to yesterday’s announcement that several frats—including two involved in Operation Ivy League—are finalists in a competition to get a 114th Street brownstone. Turns out that B@B decided to extend their trolling from the Internet to IRL in what user Geordi La Forge […]

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More news from the Brownstone Review Committee! The committee has announced the six finalists, who will present before the committee before the final deliberations take place. After “much dialogue and open deliberation” (it was not open), these are the final six: Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Epsilon Pi Lambda Phi Epsilon Manhattan House by NAC Pi […]

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In the ongoing saga of the brownstones, the Brownstone Review Committee to allocate the empty houses met for the first time this week. There have been a two developments. First, Daniel O’Leary resigned from the committee. Says O’Leary, “I have decided to step down because an organization that I have been affiliated with [SAE] has applied for a brownstone.” This […]

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Many say that interest in Greek life at Columbia is at an all time high, and it is so. Just a few days ago, PanHell picked AOII and Gamma Phi Beta to fill the two openings they set aside for new sororities, and Greek life flexed its upvote muscles in that comment thread. Last May, the IFC approved a […]

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If you and 20ish of your closest friends have always dreamed of having a giant common room/basement/stairwell to call your own, the time has finally come to put yourselves at the mercy of the Brownstone Committee. Applications to live in the space for the 2013-2014 school year are officially open. These brownstones, formerly occupied by frats […]

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First, a recap. The 114th Brownstones have seen a lot of action. After saying goodbye to Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Psi Upsilon at the end of Spring 2011 following Operation Ivy League, 536, 542 and 546 W. 114th opened their doors to a variety of transfer, wait list, and summer transfer students for […]

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Who deserves to live in the brownstones on 114th street: FiJi, still exiled to EC; AXO, the only [PanHel] sorority without a house; a special interest community? Figure it out soon, because you might get to decide—or at least assist with making recommendations for a final decision! Terry Martinez, Dean of Community Development and Multicultural […]

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