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Save your pleas for a free swipe into John Jay for another day, and join celeb guests Dean Peter Awn and poet Staceyann Chin for a menu that sounds so good, we almost don’t want to share it with you. The Queer Awareness Month Opening Ceremony brings you free Dinosaur BBQ—ribs and grilled portobello mushrooms, […]
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Yesterday, our very own Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate for economics, stopped by Zuccotti Park to talk to the protestors, along with fellow economist Jeff Madrick. Because the demonstrators are not allowed to amplify sound in any way, the speeches are repeated a sentence at a time by the crowd so that the words can […]
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Overheard from Dr. Evelyn Hughes during a Frontiers of Science lecture today: “Just because physicists don’t show videos of frogs doing it, that doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking about it.” We’ll follow suit and spare you, but while we’re on the subject, we may as well introduce you fresh batch of College folk to what […]
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Learning is Fun

Every once in a while, as you’re frantically skimming through your reading before discussion section wondering how you’re possibly going to remember any of it,  you’ll spot a sentence like any of the following and find your answer. Yes, we’ve done this before, but there’s so much more to learn! “It is possible—but a sign […]
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Free Birthday Cake!

They’ve done it for publicity and fame, and now it’s your turn to join the age fabrication trend. Barnard’s Junior Class Council is offering free cake in the Diana to anyone whose birthday is in September or October. Change your Facebook birthday/pray your fake ID had it right and head over there!  
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Sadly, the pair of cranes visible in the distance from the 1 stop at 125th street is not an elaborate teaser for a new surprise Star Wars installment (we’re crushed, too). In fact, they’re towering over the site of Columbia’s new Manhattanville campus. The cranes signify the start of work on the slurry wall, an impressive […]
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Winter is Coming

Be not deceived by the sunshine, it is a chilly 56 degrees outside. Bundle up! Update: Though this is a little pre-emptive, Bwog has decided to endorse this message as well.
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Does this hyperambitious SAT beasting, global citizen remind you of… you? At the very least, it probably sounds like one of your suitemates and the guy you’re sitting next to in class right now, too. You are all participating in aggressive intellectual capital hoarding, FYI. (NYT) Now that doesn’t mean we don’t understand it was a […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. As always, please leave any formatting suggestions in the comments! […]
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If you think your living situation is far from ordinary, and you have a thirst for fame, you’re in luck. If you want to be featured on Bwog and then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name, you’re in better luck. Bwog is […]
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“A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.” -Jean-Paul Sartre
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Wall Street isn’t the only place where discontent New Yorkers are fighting The Man. This Furnald first-year and her Target-bought novelty door stickers are spreading a dire warning throughout the undergraduate community. You can’t trust the system…..mannnnn.
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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Great article. I would like to mention that a HAIR (long hair) was found in my Hooda while I was (read more)
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I love you SOFIA!!!!!! youre so talented and the best (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Sofia DeSanto
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someone teach a class on unclipping bras (read more)
Thank God I’m A Lesbian
October 2, 2024
This article turned me gay (read more)
Thank God I’m A Lesbian
October 2, 2024

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