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Name, school: Katie Lupica, CC ‘11 Claim to fame: Previously seen on Bwog as director of The Saint Plays and (Love) Story, PBK inductee, and friend of campus character Phillip Dupree . . . Also part of various other theatrical endeavors (directed The Yellow Boat and in Wordplay 2010; performed in Into the Woods, Xmas 2!, and […]
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So you’ve finished your finals already… YOU STILL NEED TO PACK. And no matter how many organic chemistry reactions memorized and 10-page papers you’ve BS’d, packing never gets any easier. Seriously! You’re hungover, you’ve got a ton of random shit that isn’t worth storing but not worth taking home either, you forgot to clean out your […]
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As per tradition, join Bwog as we cram study diligently for our last finals and take an odyssey through the depths of Butler, on a dark night of the soul… It’s good to see you’re all so focused and well-fueled.
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Name, school: Nimra Azmi, A Lady Bear Claim to fame: Vice-President and Co-Founder of CU Chai Chat; General Campus Ragamuffin/Foul Mouth/Perpetrator of Jankiness; Owner and compiler of The Creepbook. Where are you going? Back home to the rolling hills of Murrysville, PA to study for the LSAT, apply for law school, and generally wish that […]
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Always pay attention to your surroundings. You could learn something! Win: “Boobs attract coffee like it’s magnetic.” Lose: “Yeah so who’s graduating in all these little tents?” ’68 Laureates via Wikimedia
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As long as people keep this nonsense up, we’ll keep posting it. The odd chuckle can’t hurt if you’re still struggling on for one more day. Good luck comrades!  
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Name, school: Reni Calister, Barnard College Claim to fame: One time I wore a bikini on stage while slapping myself with hot dogs. Another time I sold t-shirts with pictures of President Deborah Spar’s face on them. Otherwise, I guess you may know me as the President of the Class of 2011, Director of Chowdah, or Control Top member. […]
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Anything Goes

Canine Enthusiast Sam Warren tipped these pictures of a puppy in Butler this morning. And it was wearing a sweater. That is all.  
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Name, school: Ben Cotton, CC Claim to fame: I served as Spectator EIC last year. In the course of that duty, I made it my personal life quest to educate the world about the Columbia housing lottery. Where are you going? I’m staying in New York and working in consulting at McKinsey. I worked in […]
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Get Your Groupon

Groupon is offering a deal at Mel’s: two burgers and a 64oz. growler for the price of $19. At the time of posting, 747 people had already purchased the deal-maker. You guys should all go at the same time to this “vintage-inspired” burger joint and make them really grumpy. And for those of you who […]
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Researchers from Columbia’s Engineering School have created a new method of cell therapy that is capable of “patching” a heart that has suffered from a heart attack and helping to regenerate tissue. It’s kind of like being Wolverine, except with less claws and sideburns. (DailyTech) Columbia researchers studying the effects of green roofs, such as […]
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Lost: Textbook

Title: “Foundations of Environmental Engineering” Please contact if found.
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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What a farce. Looking forward to CUAD and Khymani James fading into ignominious obscurity. (read more)
CUAD Issues Public Apology To Former Spokesperson Khymani James After Lawsuit Against Columbia
October 11, 2024
Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
October 11, 2024
I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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