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History Professor Eric Foner strikes gold—for the second time! Yesterday, Columbia University awarded the Bancroft Prize to Foner for his book “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery.” Thanks to CU, Foner will also receive $10,000 (!) in prize money. Damn, it must feel good to be a Tweedster. (ABC News) There’s good food in […]
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It’s the first weekend back at school—time to say goodbye to spring break, meet up with your friends and try to forget about the next round of papers already due next week. Below, one of Bwog’s drinking companions, Eva Suarez, CC ’13, offers a decidedly uncomplicated drink recipe—The Sidewalk Slam—with all of its ingredients available […]
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Remember when the grammar police rained on the Philolexian Society’s parade (er, posters)? The Philos strike back:  
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Last Tuesday, Bwogger Alex Jones hopped over to the law school to hear Michael Steele speak at an event hosted by the Columbia Political Union. As the former chairman of the GOP, Michael Steele has a past defined by partisanship. But the message he conveyed on Tuesday was one of post-partisan idealism. The speech was […]
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“Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see.” – Rene Magritte
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Location: 47 Claremont Nearby dorms: Relatively far from other Columbia dorms. Elliot and 600s are close though. Stores and restaurants: Morton Williams is the closest option. Westside’s a considerable schlep. But Fairway is only a short walk away. Starbucks, M2M, and the Halal carts are all frequented, but kiss Chipotle goodbye. You can order in, […]
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Meet Shai Chester. Before last Thursday, he was just like any other normal Columbia sophomore, probably filling his head with lofty dreams of Spring Break lasting forever and the what-ifs of being able to use Flex at Halal carts. Until the fate of the world was placed into his hands. Well, okay, not THE world. […]
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A small film crew is asking students their opinions on “global education” as part of a documentary to be shown at an upcoming conference on Columbia’s commitment to being a global university. So get to the Lerner ramps before 2 if you have a hunger for fame…and muffins!
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In response to the early draft of the Senate’s resolution to “engage the armed forces” and bring back ROTC to Columbia, the student Coalition Opposed to ROTC has written a clause-by-clause response. An excerpt: 12. Be it further resolved that any further relationships with the Army will be subject to periodic review There is no […]
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Mornin’ Morningside! Yes, the weather still sucks, and no, it isn’t a snow day. Good news though! The Greenmarket will still be open and waiting eagerly to fulfill your ostrich egg needs. So put on that jacket you thought you wouldn’t be needing for another eight months, and eat through your seasonally-affected feelings. This week […]
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Hey CC and SEAS students—or C-SEAS students for short!—guess what’s finally here? No, not nice weather. And no, not Bacchanal (yet). Unfortunately, it’s not Christmas either. But it IS still an important and exciting day, because it’s your last chance to drop a SEAS class or register to Pass/D/Fail a CC class. Same goes for […]
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High: the number of City Council voters in favor of renaming the Queensboro Bridge after former New York mayor Ed Koch. Yesterday’s 38 to 12 vote determined that the bridge’s name will change next month to the “Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.” Low: the level of light as allied forces began the most intense night of […]
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
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