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Play ‘Sheen, Beck or Qaddafi?’. Convince yourself this is technically only half-procrastinating because you’re learning “to distinguish between the mad ramblings of an entertainer, a despot, and a newsman another entertainer”, a skill you’ll find useful while attempting IDs later this week. (NY Mag). In other Charlie Sheen news (let’s break out the phrase), George […]
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Yesterday, dozens of journalists gathered in the Kellogg Center for Journalism on the 15th floor of IAB for two panels organized by the Committee to Protect Journalists, an organization that has defended journalists around the world for the last 30 years. Bwog’s intrepid lecturehopper Zach Kagan presents to you the first of a two-panel lecture. It […]
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Midterm hibernators, it’s time to scurry out of your study dens and scamper over to Greenborough (604 W 114th St between Broadway and Riverside) for the Delish-a-thon 2.0, hosted by Greenborough and EcoReps! Your classmates will be participating in an “informal cooking competition” in the categories of Eggs ‘n’ Milk, Squash and Taters, Meaty Times, […]
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Just when we thought this place couldn’t get any more boring, all sorts of new minutiae decided to crop up! Spring is here-ish, new chairs abound, and Boringside Heights is serving up ice cream like it’s goin’ out of style. Midterms be damned—it’s a good time to be at Columbia. It’s been reported that Hewitt […]
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As Bwog knows all too well, there’s nothing a Columbia student hates more than bad grammar. This Bwogger figures a kitten must die with every its vs. it’s error (I mean, why else would these lil’ mistakes always get everyone’s panties in a twist?). In response to the Philolexian Society’s recent grammatical gaffe, one Columbian […]
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Since its creation, Bwog has been notoriously light on sports coverage, mostly because the majority of us know nothing about them. Still, every now and then, even we can’t help but get caught up in all the sporting excitement. After Friday evening’s double-overtime men’s basketball game against Yale, Bwog daily editor Sameea Butt was inspired […]
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Head over to Lerner Satow Room at 1 pm to participate in a traditional Sikh langar and enjoy a delicious, free Indian meal, all hosted by the Sikh Students Association! As displayed to your right, gulab jamun shall be served! And where there’s gulab jamun (wonderfully fried balls of dough floating in rosewater-flavored sugar syrup), […]
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Good morning, friends! We hope your 7 midterms, 5 papers, and 8 problem sets are going well. We’re sure you got lots of work done last night in Butler (or at least did lots of “brainstorming” at 1020). Even if you didn’t work last night (and it’s totally okay if you didn’t—Bwog is a judge-free zone), […]
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The Yale Police Department is currently investigating a possible sexual assault involving Yale undergraduates at a “naked party” thrown by the Pundits, Yale’s senior prank society. Perhaps this is why Columbia never has naked parties…(underwear parties don’t count!) (NYDN, YDN) We hope your first meal today looks as fun as these breakfasts do. Personally, Bwog prefers […]
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No Sanctions For IRC

Cristina Stevenson of Student Affairs, confirmed in an e-mail to Bwog this afternoon that the IRC will be allowed to continue as it currently functions. The IRC was reviewed independently and considered in the same manner as the fraternities. Since inhabitants apply annually through the university, a distinction was made between an individual’s infraction and […]
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The New York housing market really is insane! This flyer, spotted in McBain, offers nearly a thousand dollars each to upperclassmen willing to throw in their lot with rich but ridiculous rising sophomores. Of course, plenty of upperclassmen use freshpeople fears about the housing lottery to score some sweet suite singles, but it seems few […]
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Lost: Grey Peacoat

Lost Charcoal Grey Men’s Medium Peacoat (military style). Last seen at St. Anthony’s Hall on the evening of March 3rd (Thursday). Please email if found.
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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