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The University Senate met from 1:15 pm to 2:20 pm this afternoon, in 107 Jerome Greene to discuss finances, smoking bans, and the ROTC Task Force’s full report, released today. Bwog’s Military Engagement Bureau Chief Conor Skelding was there to hear what they had to say, watch them check Facebook, and fold their arms to […]
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It’s midterms season and we know you’re craving comfort food, so let Bwog’s resident pasta master Matt Powell show you how to make some noodles for noshing in this week’s Cooking with Bwog. Mom’s Old Fashioned Mac ‘N’ Cheese Serves 6-8 Ingredients 1 lb. macaroni 2 tbsp. butter 10 pearl onions, peeled and chopped 3 […]
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Are you feeling guilty about taking free food from clubs you have no interest in joining, but still hungry and broke? Head to 229 Thompson Hall in Teachers College this afternoon from 3–4 pm and volunteer to help out at the closing ceremony of Battle of the Books, a program that encourages West Harlem elementary […]
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Bwog’s been in touch with Student Affairs about last night’s news. Here’s what they had to say: Bwog: What’s going to happen to the brownstones? Student Affairs: The rooms in the brownstones will become part of general assignment for the 2011-2012 academic year, after the undergraduate housing lottery takes place. (In other words, the rooms […]
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On Wednesday night, a retired Bwogger relived his glory days of lecturehopping when he headed downtown and attempted to decipher the postmodern conundrum of a panel featuring Columbia professors Gayatri Spivak and Rosalind Morris, and soon-to-be-Columbia-professor Judith Butler. So, humanities majors, you know that first time you go back home freshman year, probably for Thanksgiving? […]
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The Native Society is a social club for native New Yorkers. Well, not most New Yorkers, just swanky prep-school grads or U.H.B’s (“urban-haute bourgeoisie”). Also you don’t have to actually be a native New Yorker as long as you “display the Native mind-set” and find college social life embarrassing. Money quote: “When you grow up in […]
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Lost: Croatian ID

I lost my national ID card from Croatia, today or yesterday in Hamilton or John Jay. Huge reward if found! Contact
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The fraternities with members involved in Operation Ivy League—Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Psi Upsilon—will lose their housing come next fall, according to Spec. A source in Pike says that Kevin Shollenberger confirmed to the fraternity today that its brownstone will be emptied in the Fall; members of the other frats have said the […]
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The results from the Task Force on Military Engagement’s student survey are in, and will not be officially released until tomorrow. While 11,629 students were eligible to participate, only 2,252 completed the survey. Check out the Task Force’s full ‘Executive Summary’ here, which contains survey results, the Task Force’s suggestions and Columbia’s history with the military. […]
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Note: Here’s Drinking With Bwog… again. You may have seen it posted early. Oops! We hope you can forgive us for the egregious error, and sympathize with the occurrence of repercussions from an early Senior Night pregame. For the past few weeks, we’ve been going pretty easy on you guys with mostly basic recipes. This […]
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In addition to our totally fresh, 2011, just-for-you ;) coverage, we’ll be bringing back some posts from last year that you might find helpful and also might not want to waste time searching for in the archives. Today, enjoy this retro Housing Lottery post from last spring. No one ever really explained it to us, […]
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SGA Town Hall on Diversity

Last night, the Barnard Student Government Association’s first Town Hall of the semester asked some pretty lofty questions—what does diversity mean? What can diversity mean? What should diversity mean? Bwog’s very own Katheryn Thayer reports back with some answers. Minori Takahashi, the Representative on Diversity, welcomed the program’s participants with a short speech urging us all to embrace our […]
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
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