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Bwog received a tip this morning noting unusually high police presence outside of Barnard at 116th and Broadway–inlcuding police dogs and armed officers. Upon visiting the scene, Bwog learned that the city had run an anti-terror drill. Police arrived at the 116th street subway as if responding to a bomb threat. The University is not […]
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That’s right, Columbia College, Barnard, and GS, today is your last chance to drop that class you thought looked interesting until you realized there was a three page response due every week. UPDATE: A tipster informs Bwog that EA Sports is giving away a free Snoop concert to the college with the most votes on […]
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Columbia law professor Eben Moglen believes the Freedom Box, a small server meant for personal use, can keep the internet out from under the watchful eye of Big Brother. (NYT) Winston Stephen A. Smith thinks Melo can catapult the Knicks back to relevance. Now they just have Jay-Z and the Nets to deal with, and […]
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Print journalism enthusiasts Claire Sabel and Carolyn Ruvkun scored invites to CSAAD, Columbia Spectator’s Annual Awards Dinner, held this year at the Columbia Club in midtown. Speccies schmoozed, Arianna Huffington charmed, and hobnobbing ensued. “Journalism is not a spectator sport,” declared Arianna Huffington. It was an unfortunate choice of words, since the media mogul was […]
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They’re Watching

To those who studied in Butler 210 last night— you were being watched! The reason for filming is not nearly as sinister and panopticonny as it seems. A JSchooler was getting some stock footage for a documentary about a sober house built specifically for college students. She’s investigating what drives students to alcoholism, and plans to […]
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“Myth opens the door to a world that cannot be predicted and controlled, where truth is more amorphous, multifaceted, relative, pluralistic.” – David N. Elkins
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Bwog is a champion of the people. We save cats from trees, we give you free food, we defend the lowliest, saddest, most seemingly indefensible parts of our fair campus. We’ve tackled Wien, Famiglias, and the Freshman Fifteen. In response to a recent CUIT push for wireless to replace ethernet, Zoe Camp takes on the haters and gives you a […]
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Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege and luxury we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus that will hopefully make you realize how lucky we are to be here. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full […]
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Flocks of prospective students clutter campus in celebration of Presidents’ Day. It’s rumored that the Undergraduate Recruitment Committee expects “mega tours” this week. Makes you feel sentimental, don’t it?
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CCSC deliberates. Brian Wagner reports. The council once again discussed a streamlined, multi-council uniform cosponsorship committee after hearing presentations from the treasurers of the three other student councils, which have all passed the measure. The proposed committee would cut a lot of red tape, saving the sanity of councils and applicants alike. CCSC proposed a revised resolution. The Council […]
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Spring is Fickle

While you slept a slushpocalypse swept away the spring that almost was:
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An Egyptian couple named their child “Facebook” in honor of the January 25th revolution. Somewhere, a couple with a child named “MySpace” cringes. (TechCrunch) The NYPD rescued two West Point cadets from the face of Storm King Mountain, where they had been stranded for over 8 hours after a failed rappel. Because, you know, if […]
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AskBwog: Spark@CU

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Lost: Sunglasses

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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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