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The Superstar is often late for class on account of just having flown in from Singapore/Zurich/LA. Nevertheless, s/he breezes in casually. S/he chills with presidents after all, it’s no big deal. While the Superstar may be calm (they have seats that recline to become beds in business class), their brilliant TAs (who actually read what […]
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Former Bwog energy explorer, Armin Rosen, and The Curent‘s Editor Emeritus, Jordan Hirsch, report for the New Republic on Columbia’s new Center for Palestine Studies. “Unaccompanied by a dedication to real expertise,” the pair writes, “the CPS will be little more than a clique of like-minded academics whose defining commonality is a hostility toward Israel.” […]
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Tonight was Orgo Night, that (rare) cherished Columbia tradition, in which The Cleverest Band in the World occupies Butler 209 and strives to “lower the curve on the orgo exam” by telling raunchy jokes with topical music interspersed. Likely due to a number of recent events, 209 was buzzing by 11:10 p.m. By 11:20 Public […]
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In the wise words of Jody Zellman: “bummer, bro.” We also hear that there are Public Safety officers directing traffic at Midnight Breakfast. Expect a review within a few minutes. E-Z on those butt-comments, we took the original picture down at the request of the, um, involved parties.
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Diversion O’Clock

Tonight! Orgo Night! Midnight Breakfast! Don’t! Study! Orgo Night will take place, as always, at midnight in Butler 209. Get there early if you want to see anything. Midnight Breakfast is Candyland themed this year– Barnard freshpeople can get to LeFrak at 11 PM, Barnard everyone can get there at 11:30, and everyone else is […]
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Everyone and their mother has a final (or three) tomorrow, and we’re all hanging out in Strugglesville tonight. We’ve seen a lot of people do some silly stuff in Butler this week, and discovered these two blogs of Columbians sleeping in funny positions instead of studying. Leave your own overseens in the comments. Guy walking […]
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With pre-Kerouac horn-rimmed glasses and a penchant for using Yiddish terminology in lecture, the Tweedster is both your favorite professor of all time and your grandfather’s Long Beach High Class of ‘48 classmate. You could fit two of your Wien singles into their southern-facing (northern light is for scholars of Africa, Asia, South America) Fayerweather […]
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Free Chairs!

Why the hell not, guys? Free chairs on the 4th floor of Schapiro CEPSR. That’s fun!
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A good chunk of the Columbia JSchool faculty has signed a letter to Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder claiming that the recent publication of diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks is “protected by the First Amendment.” The faculty looks back a few decades and points out that “as a historical matter, government overreaction to publication of leaked […]
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New Year’s Eve ball drop? Skating at Rockefeller Center? Going below 96th St? Your magical winter in New York may be jeopardized! For the first time, Columbia is requiring students to register in order to stay in housing over winter break. Registration is not only mandatory for entering your own dorm, but any Columbia residence […]
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Good news bears! The University expects to raise its original goal, announced in September 2006, of $4 billion nearly a year ahead of schedule. The $4 billion plan was the largest fundraising effort in the history of higher education. But we can’t stop, won’t stop: the University hopes to raise a total of $5 billion […]
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Bwog has hopped, poked, and swiftly skimmed, but now we’re inviting other writers into the Bwog Bubble. We think there’s lots of fantastic campus journalism out there that sometimes slips under the radar. In the spirit of Enlightenment salons from centuries past, we present our newest feature, BwogSalon. Bwog asked the editors of each publication […]
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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