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Adam Kuerbitz was there! CCSC literally kicked the year off with a howl last night when University Senator Kenny Durell initiated the gathering with a blast of his vuvuzela. After reviewing representatives on rules of conduct and voting processes, CCSC President Learned Foote introduced CCSCtv, an initiative to post Youtube videos advising students on matters […]
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It’s a million degrees out on Low Plaza, and Bwog’s gallons of Oreos are melting fast. Come get ’em! The Blue and White and Bwog are hanging out at Table 125, right next to the fountain on the Amsterdam side of Low Plaza. Seriously, so many Oreos and tea biscuits. We’re looking around for the best […]
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One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like Bwog […]
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Brandon Christophe tipped us about an arrest on campus. We’ll update you as soon as we get more information, but if you saw or heard anything, please email us at Update: James McShane, Department of Public Safety Vice President, explained what went down. He sent us the following in an email: I believe that […]
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For those seeking a soulful September jam, Columbia’s latest singing sensation, Tara Priya, CC ’08, offers a nostalgic escape from the autotune avalanche. Her sound is a throwback to the likes of Billie Holiday and Etta James, but never anachronistic. With influences ranging from Tupac to opera, Tara has developed a powerful voice of her […]
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House G.O.P Leader, John Boehner, open to compromise on tax cut. (NY Times) At last night’s VMAs, Kanye and Tay Swift resolved the Swiftboating incident—in song and over Twitter, the way celebs are supposed to do these things. (AP) “Tireless” Tasini charms voters with his adorable sense of humor, challenging embattled and ethically questionable Charles […]
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Pearls of wisdom, comin’ at ya from Lerner 5.
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If you’re like us, you’ve spent hours of valuable registration appointment time agonizing over whether to take a class with a visiting associate professor or an adjunct assistant.  What do these titles actually mean?  Bwog’s expert on esoteric distinctions, Jon Edelman, breaks it down. According to the faculty handbook, there are twenty-three possible titles for […]
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Hello, friends! Hope you’ve had a lovely first week of the semester, and that none of your classes have discussion sections. The first Bwog meeting of the year will be tonight at 7 PM in the student meeting room on the main floor of the Diana, at Barnard. We’ll meet for about an hour, and […]
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Spotted on the corner of 113th and Broadway: Photo by Caitlin Hoeberlein
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Residents of the Block (dorms on 113th and 114th) are invited to the year’s first BlockTalk, and it’s happening this afternoon! Free treats will be served up by Columbia’s very own NOM^3. The nomming goes down in the Broadway lobby at 2. Go forth and eat! Update: Free ice cream is available in Lerner until 3 […]
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The Brooklyn Book Festival is taking place today until 6 p.m. at Brooklyn Borough Hall.  All events-panels, forums, booths- are free to attend! Famous people, like Venus Williams and Sarah Silverman, will be there, along with Columbia’s own Professor Gary Shteyngart and Librarian Karen Green. Get your intellect on! Photo via Wikimedia Commons
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The new bioengineering building is under constitution at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
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Love the new biomedical building under construction at the medical center. (read more)
Biomedical Stress: A Poem
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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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