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All software/web developers are welcome! On the agenda: •SpeakerText CEO Matt Mireles •Hackathon discussion •Google Apps discussion Pizza and drinks to be provided Room 403 in Hamilton Hall
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HOOT Magazine

Ferris Booth 4th floor Join Hoot Magazine, the first ever on campus fashion magazine/blog! Hoot Magazine is a part of CU Couture, the fashion magazine. We have held Fashion Week’s Backstage Pass and a green clothing swap. We are currently recruiting for staff writers, layout designers, web masters, copy editors. Anyone interested should come to our editorial […]
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Bat Boy: The Musical

The Columbia Musical Theatre Society presents Bat Boy: The Musical Our performance of this rock musical is an event not to be missed! Expect to be overwhelmed by the incredible talent of the cast and the sheer amount of blood on stage. Get ready to laugh, to cry, and to rock out in this comedy about a […]
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Apocalypse Now?

Woefully anticipating a harbinger of  the world’s end — or at least a spectacular display of debris from the Comet Tempel-Tuttle — our photographer waited on South Lawn last night, armed only with coffee, camera phone, and perseverance. Unfortunately, results were not what we hoped. As the Leonid showers continue this week, chances for better […]
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If the imminent finals season makes you long for the carefree days of yore, never fear — student council invites you to come and play four square on Low Plaza tonight at 8:30.  Apparently, there will be LOADS of Dunkin Donuts and hot chocolate FOR FREE. Help real kids instead of just wishing you were […]
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Rather than force you, dear readers, to wade through longish accounts of meetings, gesticulations, and resolutions, we’re condensing our student government wrap-ups into one short, sweet post. CCSC President Sue Yang told the council on Sunday night that efforts are afoot for a “leadership grant,” which would allow students of lower socio-economic statuses to more […]
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Overheard in Ferris Booth: An authoritative-looking woman in a chef’s coat approaches the dessert case.   She is taking inventory and notices a carrot cake from which one slice has been taken. Chef: “Uh oh, we’re missing a slice of that cake!” Worker: “No, it’s okay — someone came in here and bought it.” Chef: […]
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Bwog correspondent Claire Sabel dives into the murky waters of the MEALAC department As a decorated hero in the world of academic politiking, Professor Martin Kramer was expected to lambaste Columbia’s approach to Middle Eastern policy.  An outspoken critic of Columbia’s Middle East and Asian Languages and Culture Department (MEALAC), Kramer is currently the Adelson […]
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Columbia: where even dating advice is lecture material
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In Collaboration

Studio X: 180 Varick Street, Suite 1610 GSAPP Art and Architechture Talk Join the Graduate  School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and the Schoolof the Arts for a cross-disciplinary dialogue on materials and artistic and architectural practice with Heather Rowe (MFA Visual Arts ‘01) and Michelle Fornabai, Adjunct Asst Professor, Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation. FREE […]
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Our most famous alum still doesn’t like us, but tourists flock to Morningside to see the very alleyway where Barack Obama once spent an unhappy night (ABC). Model Congress bemoans the Columbia caste system (Spec). Right (or left) from the center of the bleeding heart: Wesleyan has started admitting prisoners (CityRoom). Some people love community […]
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Earl Hall Come together to connect and learn about year-long and summer outdoor activities and jobs. Meet organizations: Wilderness Ventures, Overland, NOLS, COÖP (Columbia Outdoor Orientation Program), Hiking Club, Rock Climbing Club, Cycling Club, Triathlon Club, Roadrunners. Enjoy delicious camping snacks too. Visit our Facebook page for more information.
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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