1020, the popular bar on Amsterdam Avenue and 110th St with past allegations of sexual harassment and passivity towards underage drinking, has been repossessed. The bar’s co-owner Michael McKiernan was allegedly arrested for unrelated reasons. Editor’s warning: Article includes mentions of sexual harassment, racism.
The frozen margarita is, simply put, the perfect cocktail.
It may be getting colder, but Columbia students still find time to do crazy things! Send in your field notes to tips@bwog.com for a feature. Drinking/Bar Adventures: Threw an Earth, Wind, & Fire-themed party on September 21st. Five drinks in, read my two-page music hum essay on “September” to everyone. Almost burst into tears when the bouncer […]
Walked by 1020 recently? According to signs posted in the windows of the bar, Law & Order: SVU will be filming there today, and signs on street posts said that filming would start at 6am. 1020 will be closed all day, but should open back up tomorrow (so, unfortunately, there won’t be trivia tonight). We […]
This was the second to last weekend of the semester, friends. And since most people will probably be spending this upcoming weekend packed in Butler, you might as well say it’s the last… RIP. Check out what everyone was up to. Peaceful, Artsy, Wholesome: Went gallery hopping in Chelsea with the goal of getting onto […]
This weekend was one for the books, friends. Only just a few more until the end of the semester and we can all go the fuck home (or wherever we’ll be). For now, let’s just be thankful that we survived. Accomplishments, actually: Went to DC to lobby Congress for progressive gun control reform!! Yay #tuckfrump […]
We all know the feeling. Before coming to college, we vowed we’d never touch a cigarette. But, of course, that’s total bullshit. We all break that vow sooner or later, and where you smoked your first cigarette at Columbia actually says a lot about you. Read on to reminisce and find out which stereotype you are. […]
When you’re at a school as competitive as Columbia, it is important to engage in some debauchery to take your mind off CC readings, questionable GroupMe’s and the President-Elect. However, how much is each night of blowing off steam costing you? Bwog Senior Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates a few common alternatives. Option 1: The […]
On Friday night, First-Years S$, L$, and Y$, chaperoned by a Senior Staffer (henceforth referred to as Editor), headed to 1020 for an open-to-close adventure: 4:00 pm to 4:00 am. In their bags were half-done homework assignments, the Iliad, Sappho’s “If Not, Winter”, a condom, and a single iPhone charger. The events that ensued are […]
Columbia is an extremely small university, and sometimes it feels like everyone knows everyone. It is embarrassing but not that big a deal when your vague acquaintances and Facebook friends see you grinding against someone in a frat basement, but the additional danger is greater. What happens when you see someone in a professional position […]
1020 is turning 21! It’s a huge milestone: if 1020 were a Columbia student, he’d probably have a (slightly sad) rager in his EC townhouse, buy cigarettes legally, and film himself throwing his fake into the Hudson River. As it is, 1020 is just a bar—an inanimate object, really. Nevertheless, you and 1020 have likely made memories […]
A mainstay of Morningside Heights you could never afford goes out of business, you doubt the veracity of the American dream, and you fail your Chemistry midterm: all in a week’s work. A weird revelation: we’re beginning to think everything in our lives can be tied to the rise and fall of American Apparel, or really, any once-profitable-but-no-longer […]
The glory days of the Ivy League Snapchat Story are long gone, and we feel a little bad for the poor souls who have to monitor all the drunk snaps that come through every night. To combat the Filter Fatigue that’s infected Columbia, Bwog decided to create some Snapchat filters of our own. We thought we’d […]
As the year wears on, you are beginning to eschew your veneer of respectability—you are really letting your true colors shine, and sometimes that means revealing you are a gross, weird, clumsy, or totally unsympathetic person. We get it: we’re ready for winter hibernation too, despite the unseasonably warm weather and 1020’s unsuccessful attempt to force […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025